Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1559 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1559 The Mysterious American Devil (11) ([-])
Sword choice is also important.Generally speaking, the higher the level of the sword, the greater the power it will display. However, in addition to the level, the potential coordination between the sword and the sword user is also very important.This involves the length, weight, dexterity of the sword, the sword user's preference for the sword, etc. Therefore, it is possible for the same player to use the artifact sword with better attributes and the dark gold sword with poorer attributes. When weapons and swords attack the same target, the attack of the former will be much inferior to that of the latter.Therefore, choosing a weapon that is convenient is the most important thing.

Although they haven't figured out the relationship, Leng Ye was able to confirm that there is a special "formula" or law among the four, and it is the existence of this "formula" that determines the sword. power.So far, no matter Leng Ye or the many players in Lingyun, there are probably not many who can comprehend this "formula".It's also a problem that chaos mathematicians have long had a relationship with, though no one has yet been able to announce it in public.In this regard, Leng Ye had to admit that he was not as good as a chaos mathematician. However, he summed up "several formulas" based on his long-term experience. They are all within a relatively small range. As long as the three related options of a certain sword are controlled within these three ranges, and combined with the sword in hand, [-]% (percentage sign) of the maximum power can also be exerted. above.

The reason why "[-] (percent)" is a relatively accurate number is because Leng Ye is [-]% certain that as long as the strength of the sword is drawn, the speed and accuracy have reached the extreme. The power has already reached the maximum, and it has nothing to do with other factors.However, it is very difficult to do this at the same time, and there will be no more than two times in a day.

However, after absorbing the energy of Sanneng Pill, Leng Ye gradually discovered that the speed plays a major role in the influence on a certain sword. When the speed reaches a certain "limit", the influence of other factors is relatively small a lot of.However, Leng Ye also found depressingly that every time he used the "extreme" speed sword, his whole body felt a sense of prostration, obviously unable to do what he wanted, so he didn't want to and would not use it lightly.

Since the skill "Wrath of the God of War" itself has a bonus to the speed of the sword, and his attack is the highest among the skills that Leng Ye can currently control, so he prefers this skill. The number of times is more, and the research is deeper.He even discovered that even with an ordinary sword, as long as the elements of the sword are matched properly, unexpected attacks can be made.Although he still can't fully guarantee that this move can exert its maximum power, it can also guarantee that the power of each sword will be more than [-] (percent) of the maximum power once it is used. (Note: The basic power is the value that can be calculated through weapons, skills, player attributes, and monster attributes. This power is the worst power, and it is also [-] (percent) of the greatest power.)

(End of this chapter)

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