Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1566 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1566 The Mysterious American Devil (3) ([-])
"If Xuanfeng didn't have a spear in his hand and just blocked with his bare hands, I guess the speed at which he loses blood can only be described as flying." Thinking this way, Leng Ye held the lazy sword in his hand, and prepared to make a move that he couldn't even use at the right time. The "broken soldier style" that is truly controlled.

The child's time has passed, and Leng Ye has six jade pendants on his body, which can be resurrected twelve times, and with Maya around, he can be said to be confident.He didn't know whether the Breaking Bing Style could destroy the long spear in Xuanfeng's hand within the effective number of attacks, but he knew that if he didn't use the Breaking Bing Style, it would be very difficult for Maya to win, or even fail.

"Even if Xuanfeng and Ishida Zhizi have an affair, it should be that their child is stronger, why Xuanfeng's strength has increased so much?" Leng Ye was puzzled, and suddenly thought of a cultivation novel, thinking: "Could it be that Xuanfeng has mastered yin and yang?" The method of dual cultivation? Or did he learn Yin Suction? Fusion?" He shook his head again, thinking that this is a major setting in the game.

Because Xuanfeng was concentrating on following Maya's move, he didn't take the time to attack Leng Ye, but he was still losing blood under Maya's fierce five times attack, although it was slower, but just after Maya's "Angel Blessing" disappeared yesterday At the time, his blood was still reduced by nearly one-third.

Once the skill effect of "Angel's Blessing" ended, within three seconds, Maya was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the whirlwind, and her blood volume slowly decreased.Leng Ye hastily summoned Little Sun, and then gave him an order to add blood to Maya.

The addition of Little Sun made the already strong Maya feel confident again.However, due to the loss of five times the attack, Maya's attack on Xuanfeng is not much, and the average is only a few million without a gun. For Xuanfeng, who has tens of billions of lives, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Why is Sister Maya's attack so low?" Leng Ye observed Xuanfeng's every move from beginning to end, knowing that Xuanfeng didn't use any new tricks, and looked carefully at Xuanfeng, and it was not on Xuanfeng's body. I was at a loss when I found something similar to a magician's magic shield.

"It seems that the sequelae of sister Maya's use of 'Angel's Blessing' have appeared, and I don't know how long it will last." Thinking like this, Leng Ye wanted to summon Peng'er, but he was also worried that if Peng'er came out too early, it might be harmful to her. The whole battle situation was unfavorable, so with an idea, he took out three red pills from the Ring of Space and held them in his hand.

"Sister, you just used 'Angel's Blessing' and should have taken a break, but Xuanfeng will also rest in that way. Brother, here are three pills, which are made of precious pills from Mount Everest, the North and South Poles, and the Mariana Trench. The medicinal materials are refined from holy-level medicinal materials, which can not only quickly restore your physical strength, but also increase your overall attributes in a short period of time. Remember, you must take three pills at a time, otherwise you will be in a short-term coma " Leng Ye first explained the elixir, and then shouted to Maya: "Sister, the Xuanfeng is too powerful, I dare not approach it. I will throw it to you now, catch it!"

(End of this chapter)

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