Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1569 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1569 The Mysterious American Devil (6) ([-])
Xuanfeng smiled and said, "That's right!" He glanced at Maya, then at Leng Ye, and said, "Brother, I was the same as you, always wanting to use justice to get justice from the devil. Slowly , I know how absurd this is. It was only later that I realized that only by using evil to fight evil, using violence to fight violence, and treating the body in the same way, can the dead soul be at peace. Brother, Our country voluntarily gave up the war reparations from the devils, but how did they treat us? Revising history textbooks, denying historical facts, visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, trying to split our country..."

Leng Ye sighed, and didn't think too much about why Xuanfeng said these things. He just knew that what Xuanfeng said was reasonable, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind: "What mistake did Xuanfeng make? Sister Maya Why do you have to kill him? Why should I kill him?" He turned his head to Maya.

Maya nodded slightly, put away the spear in her hand, and said: "Brother, Xuanfeng is right, but he..." After a pause, he said again: "It's my sister who is too selfish, it's my sister's fault It's gone." With a flash of white light, she disappeared from Leng Ye's vision.

"Sister Maya, what's going on?" Although Leng Ye didn't understand this, he knew that Maya would never let him kill Xuanfeng again, so he thought again: "Then what about the plan this time?"

At this moment, Xuanfeng suddenly screamed in pain while clutching his stomach.

Leng Ye knew that it was the medicinal properties of those three pills that had taken effect.

Those three pills were refined by Chang Baicao not long ago, and they are called Hanyin Pills.This elixir is indeed refined from the most yin and cold materials brought by Leng Ye from Mount Everest, the North Pole and the Mariana Trench. It has the effect of enhancing all attributes and restoring physical strength.However, this medicine also has a drawback, that is, only women can use it.

Of course, men can also use it.It's just that the effect is just the opposite for men after taking it. After 3 minutes, the whole body's attributes will decrease sharply, the lower abdomen will be painful, and the physical strength will become weaker and weaker, so that it will gradually become exhausted. It is harmful and not beneficial.Based on this point, Leng Ye personally made Yuan Zhiai try twice, and it was really tried and tested.Leng Ye originally gave these medicines to Shuang'er and others at a critical time, but unexpectedly used them on Xuanfeng.

In fact, just before that, Leng Yeda could hand over the Hanyin Pill to Maya himself, but he considered that the Hanyin Pill is not an invincible holy medicine. Xuanfeng's idea of ​​taking food.If Xuanfeng takes this medicine, although he will not die immediately, his mind will definitely be affected, so Maya will have a chance.

As for whether this medicine will be effective on Xuanfeng's body, Leng Ye doesn't know.But he knew that if he gave the Hanyin Pill directly to Xuanfeng or ordered Xuanfeng to accept it, it would be like ascending to the sky.So Leng Ye designed a trap for Xuanfeng to take the bait automatically, and it turned out to be a success.

Seeing Xuanfeng's painful appearance, Leng Ye couldn't help being moved with compassion, not knowing what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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