Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1579 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1579 The Mysterious American Devil (16) ([-])
"A lady should smile without missing her teeth!" As soon as she saw the half tooth, Leng Ye understood why such a girl was so self-willed, most likely because of her teeth leaking.

In Lingyun, disabled people are rare, that's because even disabled people will have a strong body to choose from when they come in, so, for most people, in order to win the preference of the opposite sex, they (She) In addition to choosing a strong body, they will also choose to improve their appearance and beautify themselves.Especially women, they can't tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes.

Of course, there are also some people who like their real selves. Such people are often content with being ordinary and satisfied with their appearance.As the saying goes, "clear water produces hibiscus, and natural ones can be carved", Leng Ye has always preferred natural beauty, although he does not object to Shuang'er and others changing their tricks to please him.

Seeing the half teeth exposed by Fei Yatou, Leng Ye felt that what the girl in front of her who didn't pursue appearance too much said before was definitely from the bottom of her heart. Girl, let her not make trouble in tomorrow's defense of the city.

"Master Leng, have you tasted my strength!" the little girl asked with a smile.

"She is naturally very powerful. But if I just praise her like this, it's hard to guarantee that she won't go further and make any unreasonable demands. I have to give her some power." Thinking like this, Leng Ye used five teleports in a row , two of which exceeded the distance of 50 meters, and finally appeared suddenly two meters in front of the girl.

"Wow~~, Lord Leng is awesome!" The little girl applauded immediately, and then said, "Can you teach me this trick of teleportation?"

Since defeating the nine-headed lions, Leng Ye would write down a few skills every day after he came back. He originally wanted to write a few teleportation skill books, but the system reminded him that this skill was at the super holy level and could not be taught.Therefore, even if he wanted to help Maid Fei, he still had more than enough energy.

"Hmph! If you don't pass it on, don't pass it on, cheapskate! However, although your teleportation is faster than my five-dash, you can't let others teleport. My five-dun is better!" Fei girl said proudly.

Leng Ye knew that the reason why the little girl said this was just to seek psychological comfort, she smiled and said: "Yes, yes! Of course it is your five escapes. I just don't know about your five escapes in the battle of defending the city tomorrow." Is it as powerful as in the legend?"

"Hmph! My five escapes can hide [-] people at the same time, and if I upgrade to another level, there will be [-] people..." Fei girl was very proud, and after a while, she said again: "But, I am not from the Sword Demon Palace. People, why should I help you?"

"I'm joining you now."

"I don't like joining gangs."

"I promise to help you with that task."

"It's too late now," said Fei girl.

Leng Ye knows that people with special skills are always more arrogant, let alone a little girl in front of him, for the sake of Jingu, he can only "coax" this kind of person who is soft but not hard, smiled, and said : "I can promise to give you one more condition, just tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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