Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1582 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1582 The Mysterious American Devil (2) ([-])
With the joining of Fei girl, Leng Ye has gained a lot of confidence in tomorrow's defense.

Just when the two were about to go back, Leng Ye's pager rang again.

"Xiao Ye, please come back, there are two people who claim to be the descendants of 'Vulcan' and 'Dragon King', and they insist on looking for you." The voice of the down-and-out son came from the pager.

"I see. You take them to the Sword Demon Restaurant first, and I'll be there later." After hanging up the beeper, Leng Ye couldn't help but rejoice at his luck, the luck of the Jingu.Usually, not many people come to the door, and when the critical moment comes, there will be "hermits" who will take the initiative to help. This makes Leng Ye deeply feel the "warmth" of this big family in China.

As soon as he entered the private room, Leng Ye saw two girls dressed in fiery red and one in pure white. The girl in fiery red was dressed in red from head to toe, even her hair was fiery red. She should be Vulcan There is no doubt about the successor. The girl in white has very fair skin and two "horns" on her head. At first glance, she should be the successor of the Dragon King.The only thing that surprised Leng Ye was that the heirs of Vulcan and Dragon King were all girls, which was not mentioned by Mr. Luo before.

"Leader, this is Fire Fan Fairy, this is Xiao Xiami... This is our leader, Sword Demon Leng Ye." The receptionist was Huo Huo, and she introduced each other.

"You two are welcome to our gang, what advice do you have?" Leng Ye asked.

"Master Leng, the two of us are here to take the initiative to ask Ying to help the Sword Demon Palace defend the city. I wonder if the leader will dislike us for getting in the way." Crayfish said.

"This time, not only monsters are guarding the city, but also devils who are invading. It is an honor for the palace to have the help of the two girls. On behalf of the 84 guild masters of the entire Sword Demon Palace, I welcome the arrival of the two girls. I would like to express my full welcome and sincere thanks." Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Master Leng, apart from helping to defend the city, we also have a small request. I don't know if it should be said or not." Crayfish asked.

"Girl, it's okay to say." Leng Ye said.

"We want to join the Sword Demon Empire after the establishment of the empire." Crayfish said.

"How many people are there in your gang?" After the Sword Demon Empire was established, the standard gang required at least 1 people.

"We are two gangs, we want two seats, [-] people from Fire Cloud Gang, [-] people from Dragon Palace." Crawfish said again.

"This..." Leng Ye finally understood why the down-and-out son left these two troublesome girls to him to deal with.

"Master Leng, we know that even if the Sword Demon Empire is a Tier [-] empire and can accommodate [-] gangs, you wouldn't just give us two seats. If that's the case, then let's go." Crayfish pulled He raised the hand of the fire fan fairy, intending to go out.

"Haha~, wait a minute, two girls, this matter is not completely undiscussed, please sit down." Leng Ye knew very well that if these two girls really came to mess around, I am afraid that the poor young man would have invited them away.Therefore, he predicted that these two girls would definitely have something special, and the reason why the poor son entrusted them to him was half to leave this difficult problem to Leng Ye, and the other half was to let the two girls They will become Leng Ye's direct troops in the future, let them be worthy of Leng Ye's favor.

(End of this chapter)

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