Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1585 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1585 The Mysterious American Devil (5) ([-])
"If the whole army comes in, they won't be able to choose warm or cold, and they may even be jealous because of a certain 'treasure land'!" Leng Ye commented on this skill.But soon he realized another problem, that is, when he moved a little faster in the room, the alternation of cold and warm on his body would speed up, so that the feeling of "coldness" would not be obvious. The Achilles' heel of Xiao Xiami's skill.

After a while, Little Xiami slowly opened his eyes and stopped casting the magic, but the chill in the whole room was still there.

"Master Leng, remember, if you can't stand it anymore, take the Raging Fire Pill." Fire Fan Xian reminded.Then, she also took out her staff, and just like Xiao Xiami, she closed her eyes and began to chant a spell.

Leng Ye stood in the "warm space" and waited for the skills of the Fire Fan Fairy. Unknowingly, his heart became flustered, and he thought: "Little Xiami taught me about 'Liang'. It seems that the Fire Fan Fairy is going to let me Experience the 'heat'. One cold and one hot can indeed make people uncomfortable and affect the morale of the army in combat. It is cruel enough." Then I thought: "I just don't know if the 'hot' skill of the Fire Fan Immortal is real. It is also combined into a hot and warm space like the little shrimp, if it is like this, it will not have much power."

"No, it stands to reason that these two girls' gangs are going to join the Sword Demon Empire and they shouldn't harm me. Even if the skill of the Fire Fan Immortal affects the same space as Xiao Xiami's, why does she still ask me to take the Fire Pill? Is it because I'm afraid that I won't die from the heat? Or is this elixir able to resist the fire?" Leng Ye was puzzled.

At this time, Xiao Xiami took out a white pill and said to Leng Ye: "Master Leng, this is the ice pill, if you can't bear it, you can take it." After a pause, he said: "Of course , you can also choose to eat sister's Raging Fire Pill, the effect is similar. As for which one you want to eat, it depends on your personal preference."

"Personal preference?" Leng Ye smiled wryly, and blurted out: "Then what if I eat both?"

"Two..." When Xiao Xiami heard this, her face that was originally as white as jade suddenly turned red.

Leng Ye just said it casually, but he didn't expect that Xiao Xiami would have such a change. Not only that, he found that the Huo Fan Fairy looked at him a little ambiguously. Through his past experience, he knew very well that these two girls came to help him. The reason for this is definitely not as simple as joining the Sword Demon Shrine.

At this time, Leng Ye was even a little depressed, because her luck was too strong and depressed.

Suddenly, Leng Ye felt his body heat up, and as time went by, his body temperature was still soaring, and soon exceeded the upper limit of human beings to ask questions.After a while, he felt extremely hot, and his whole body became irritable again.

(End of this chapter)

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