Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1588 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1588 The Mysterious American Devil (8) ([-])
Eleven people were chattering, without seriousness, they looked like the Six Immortals of Peach Valley in the Jianghu, as if they were missing a string in their brains.Leng Ye knew that these people were "making trouble" on purpose, so he didn't say anything, and waited quietly for them to finish speaking, with a smile on his lips.

After a while, the 11 people really stopped, and one of the five ghosts said: "Young Xia Leng, you really have a lot of concentration. If you can listen to our five ghosts and six ghosts nagging for 15 minutes, you can be regarded as the second!" , it’s really not that simple.”

"So the first one must be my beautiful wife beside me?" Leng Ye smiled and hugged Shuang'er tightly.

The five ghosts and the six monsters were startled at first, then gave Leng Ye a thumbs up one by one, and praised: "Master Leng is really powerful, you can guess right."

The reason why Leng Ye guessed like this is not groundless, one: he remembers that when he was shopping with Shuang'er, he once met a lost old lady, and Shuang'er finally found out after listening to the old lady's nagging for nearly 10 minutes. He understood what the old lady said and patiently sent her home; second: he considered that generally speaking, the five ghosts and the six ghosts, who are easy to get out of the crowd but have good strength, would not usually come with Shuang'er. From Sword Demon City.With these two points, it is not surprising to guess that Shuang'er is the "number one".

"I heard from Shuang'er that you guys are going to kill me, is it true?" Leng Ye asked sternly.

"No! No! No! Not all."

"Yes, not quite! But yes."

"It's also...not all of them."


A few people were chattering again, but in the end they didn't express their intention clearly.

Shuang'er smiled and said, "The five ghosts must mean 'kill if you can kill them, and surrender if you can't kill them'?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! This little girl, Shuang'er, is still smart. Our trip was not in vain."

"What's wrong, kill if you can kill it, and kill it if you can't kill it."

"No, don't kill if you can kill it, don't kill it if you can't kill it."

"No... No, kill if you can't kill, don't kill if you can pass."

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! We are not killing, but discussing."

"Yes! It's a competition. We made a bet with this little girl, Shuang'er. If we win, we can have a good meal at the Sword Demon Restaurant. If Gang Leader Leng wins, we will listen to him..."


At first Leng Ye thought that these eleven people were joking, but now he had to suspect that these eleven people were either mentally handicapped or really insane.Although Leng Ye did not have any precedents of actual insanity, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with Shuang'er for bringing these eleven incomplete people.

"Husband, don't look at them as crazy, their formation is amazing!" Shuang'er said in a timely manner.

Leng Ye nodded, sighed, and said to the five ghosts and the six monsters: "Time is precious, let the eleven of you go together!" Then he and the five ghosts and six monsters came to the space of the competition field one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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