Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1592 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1592 The Mysterious American Devil (12) ([-])
"What the hell are the five ghosts doing? Killing people and giving away equipment? I don't know what Lan Lan got from fighting them before. Anyway, to me, they are giving away talented boys." Leng Ye was overjoyed, and easily accepted the challenge, and then picked up equipment ...

In this way, Leng Ye went in and out several times, and he couldn't remember exactly how many times, but he clearly saw Nuwa's ring, Nuwa's armor, Nuwa's boots, Nuwa's chain, Nuwa's The cloak, Nvwa jade pendant, Nvwa's helmet, Nvwa's bracelet, and Nvwa's mask lay intact in the ring of space.

Going in again, Leng Ye searched for a long time again, and found that they were all artifacts and super artifacts that he didn't like and didn't need. Thinking of the number of resurrections of He Shibi, he didn't reach out to pick them up. Finally, his gaze Finally, it landed on a big red jade pendant.

"He's Bi jade pendant, He's Bi is really depressed!" Leng Ye laughed and picked up the jade pendant, and then received the voice of the system prompting death.

Afterwards, as expected, the system reminded Leng Ye that he had obtained the Heshibi Jade Pendant.

Put it on without hesitation, until now, Leng Ye already has seven pieces of jade pendant on his body, and two more nine pieces can be combined into a real He's Bi, among other things, only those fourteen lives are enough to envy It's annoying.

(It broke out today, please watch carefully. The appearance of the Nuwa suit will be related to a very important person, you may wish to guess.)
#### The Mysterious American Devil (38)
Entering the formation again, what Leng Ye never imagined was that the peaceful fairyland on earth no longer existed, replaced by evil ghosts with bull heads and horse faces. Due to the large gap between the front and the back, he was not mentally prepared , It went dark, and then I didn't know anything.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye died in the formation of five ghosts, and He Shibi will bring you back to life.

"Five ghost formation? It seems that this is the essence of this formation." After being resurrected, Leng Ye held the lazy sword tightly and entered the five ghost formation again.Although he was mentally prepared this time, for some reason, he came out dead within five seconds after entering.


In this way, several times in a row, Leng Ye found that he was not the opponent of the Five Ghost Formation at all, but the reason for his death was the same every time, he was scared to death.Although Leng Ye's immunity to ghosts has been strengthened every time, the ghosts inside are getting more terrifying every time. Even people with super psychological endurance like Leng Ye can't bear it.

Appearing outside the formation again, Leng Ye waved the lazy sword in his hand and used a "swinging sword" move at the five people around him.Today's whirling sword has also increased its attack range from four meters to five meters. Even if it can't instantly kill the five ghosts, it is enough to cause them to be severely injured. At least they will put down their weapons and stop the operation of the five ghosts. .What Leng Ye never expected was that the lazy sword did not have any impact on the five ghosts.At that moment, Leng Ye became anxious and secretly cried out that it was not good.

"How do you get out here?" Leng Ye took out the sword tomb without hesitation, intending to get out of the control of the Five Ghost Formation, but the system's notification sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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