Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 164 Speed ​​Training

Chapter 164 Speed ​​Training (2) ([-])
The drunkard picked up a glass and drank it, signaled to Leng Ye to pour it, then picked up another glass and drank it, signaled to Leng Ye to pour it again, and picked up the glass that Leng Ye had just poured.

Alcoholics are drinking faster and faster, and pouring faster and faster on cold nights.

What makes Leng Ye puzzled is that the wine in the bottle seems to be endless, and as long as the bottle is tilted, the wine in the glass will be full in an instant, and no drop will be wasted. Otherwise, the pouring speed of Leng Ye is really fast Can't keep up with the drinking speed of alcoholics.

In the end, the drunkard drank very fast, and Leng Ye poured the wine so fast that Leng Ye's wrist hurt.

The drunkard smiled and said, "Boy, yes, after half a day of practice, your pouring speed is already very good."

Leng Ye thought: Isn't this nonsense?If you pour it a thousand or eight hundred times, you will become so proficient.But he said: "This is all the result of drinking too fast, Master."

A drunkard's favorite thing to say is to be praised for his fast drinking.In the eyes of alcoholics, the highest state of drinking is not to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk in a fit of anger.Of course, he has not yet reached this so-called highest level.

"Boy, the speed of drinking is the most important thing. The feeling of euphoria when drinking continuously is incomparable to any other feeling. I have been drinking for 50 years, old man, and now I can only drink [-] glasses in a fit of anger. I Seeing that you are very talented, if you can drink thousands of cups in one go, I can die in peace." The drunkard turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared after finishing speaking.

"What kind of mission did you encounter? It's too perverted! I don't know what it has to do with improving prestige!" Leng Ye muttered and picked up the wine glass.

Since Shuang'er entered this hall, she has not said a word from the beginning to the end.

Leng Ye poured himself to drink, and the speed of drinking became faster and faster, and gradually he felt the feeling of euphoria that the drunkard said.

Shuang'er watched quietly from the side, silently counting the number for Leng Ye, when she saw Leng Ye's body start to shake, she asked with concern: "Honey, are you okay?" At this time, Leng Ye I have already drank more than 600 cups at night.

"I'm fine!" Leng Ye, who was still fine, fell down after saying this.Shuang'er was so frightened that she panicked.

Shuang'er looked at the label on the bottle: [-]% Jade Wine.Then he yelled: "My mother! You won't be burned to death!" He said this, but he thought in his heart: "A man who can't drink is not a man, my husband is really a man!"

Seeing Leng Ye sleeping soundly on the bar counter, Shuang'er said to herself: "Hubby, hubby, it's a good thing to be able to drink, but don't have sex after drinking!" What she said about having sex after drinking is naturally Refers to Leng Ye bullying other girls after drinking.

Shuang'er was bored by herself, so she went into the bar and started looking around.

There are quite a lot of wine in the bar, with a wide variety and no repetition, including high-end tonic wine.The alcohol content also ranges from the lowest [-] degrees to the highest [-] degrees.

In the corner of the bottom row of wine racks, Shuang'er found a special small bottle, brown in color and delicate in texture, like a gourd, but with two openings, each of which was sealed with two red cloths, fixed red The cloth thread is all gold thread.When Shuang'er turned the vial upside down, she saw four large characters on the bottom of the bottle: Thousand Cups of Hangover Solution.

(End of this chapter)

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