Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 168 Speed ​​Training

Chapter 168 Speed ​​Training (1) ([-])
As soon as Leng Ye came out of the Ecstasy Residence, she saw the pervert standing outside the door, which made Shuang'er very embarrassed. Most of her cries were heard by the pervert.But who is a pervert?This kind of thing, let alone seen, is done, even he can't count.

"Xiaofeng, you are really powerful. You are really better than blue! You are much better than me!" The drunkard sighed and disappeared.

"This old thing!" Leng Ye muttered in his heart. Although he did this, he still had some resistance to the system settings.

As soon as the pervert left, laughter came from the hall again.An old man in a golden robe appeared in the hall, and this old man was a rich ghost.

"Hi, master!" Seeing the rich ghost, Leng Ye stepped forward to greet him.

"Okay, okay! I heard from drunkards and perverts that your performance is very good and you are very qualified. I want to give it a try." Said the rich ghost.

"Willing to listen to Master's teaching!" Leng Ye quickly replied.

The rich ghost took out a money bag from his waist, put it on the table in the hall, and said to Leng Ye: "Xiaofeng! It's not difficult to listen to the master's instruction, first count the money in the bag, and then Find me!" The rich ghost left after saying that.

"Husband, this old man really can't hold his breath. It's just such a small bag, and we'll have it later." Shuang'er said to Leng Ye.

Leng Ye ignored Shuang'er's words, and instead said, "Shuang'er, did you bring your bag?"

"What bag?" Shuang'er was puzzled.

"Of course it's a big bag, the bigger the better!" Leng Ye continued.

"What's the use?" Shuang'er was a little angry at Leng Ye's affectation.

"Think about it, the wine in one of Laojiu's jugs is not clean. Think about this money bag, maybe it's a Qiankun bag, and the money in it is probably as much as gold and silver mountains!" Leng Ye explained to Shuang'er road.

"You want to steal?" Shuang'er asked.

"Don't say it so harshly, this is my master's money, how can it be considered stolen. You see, he is so old, and he has not lived for a few years. If I don't help him spend it, the money will be buried in the ground forever. It's a sin! Sin!" said Leng Ye, pretending to be a monk.

"Don't be poor, I don't believe there is really so much money in it!" Shuang'er said, and she was about to pour out the money in the purse, but she was shocked because she couldn't hold the purse at all. "Honey, do you see this?" Shuang'er looked at Leng Ye.

Leng Ye also picked up the money bag according to Shuang'er's method, and it was really heavy.Then he said to Shuang'er: "Am I right? There may be more than gold and silver in it!"

"But how did you steal it?" Shuang'er actually said this sentence, which made Leng Ye baffled.

Leng Ye reached into the purse, felt something hard, and then took it out.Sure enough, it was money, but it was not gold or silver, but all copper coins. Leng Ye was a little disappointed.

"Husband, why are you sighing! Copper coins are also money! And there is such a big bag, it can fill our villa." Shuang'er said.

(End of this chapter)

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