Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 174 Strength Training

Chapter 174 Strength Training (1)
The third floor of the Nether Ghost Creature is similar to the first two floors, with the same decorations on the walls, but the layout inside is slightly different. This place is more like a ranch.A herd of sheep, a herd of pigs, and a herd of cows, these three kinds of domestic animals are distributed in the center of the hall in an orderly manner. Although there are no fences to restrict them, the domestic animals stand in place as if possessed by a demon, motionless.

Facing these three animals, Leng Ye really couldn't figure out what the system was up to. "Could it be possible to let kill to eat meat to test my appetite?" Leng Ye shook his head and looked at Shuang'er.

"Husband, there should be someone to guide the NPC, let's wait and see." Shuang'er said to Leng Ye.

Leng Ye nodded, and sat down on the chair in the middle of the third floor, thinking: NPC don't get drunk!

The moment Leng Ye sat down, a few large characters flashed on the table: You can only leave the house if you are stronger than five bulls.

"Idiots talking about dreams! Isn't this embarrassing?" Leng Ye said angrily at the eight characters on the table.Those eight characters seemed to have spiritual energy, when they heard Leng Ye's words, they flashed for a moment, and then disappeared again.

"Shuang'er, what are you doing?" Leng Ye saw that Shuang'er was circling around her, and her eyes kept looking up and down.

"I fell down from the top, from left to right, and I can't see any part of your body that is more powerful than five bulls, husband. It seems that the mission is about to fail." Shuang'er said with relish.

Normally, Leng Ye would not want to argue with Shuang'er about such silly things.But Leng Ye would never let the woman who loves her look down upon him, so Leng Ye walked towards the herd of cattle.

Perhaps for the convenience of pulling, the reins of the five cows are tied together.Leng Ye exerted all her strength, grasped the rein with both hands, and stood firm.

"Work hard, come on!" Shuang'er cheered on Leng Ye from the side.But judging from the words, most of them were meant to be teasing.

No matter how hard Leng Ye tried, the five cows remained motionless.Leng Ye was really depressed, and Shuang'er laughed out loud.

"I usually brag when I hug me, but why did my hands soften at the critical moment? Or my legs? I can't even pull five cows, cut!" Leng Ye became more depressed, but Shuang'er was uncharacteristically, making sarcastic remarks beside her.

"How can you compare with five cows, besides, I can't eat a fat man in one bite." Leng Ye said to himself.

Speaking of this, Leng Ye was taken aback, looked around the hall, and immediately understood the design of the system, to be exact, it was the system's painstaking efforts.

Everything should be done step by step, and you can't eat a fat man with one bite.Knowing this, Leng Ye walked towards the sheep.

Each sheep has a rein tied around its neck, which is also convenient for Leng Ye to pull.Leng Ye grabbed a rein and pulled it.

The sheep in the hall are not ordinary sheep, each weighs hundreds of catties. The biggest difference from real sheep is that the four legs of the sheep are not used to walk, but to slide during the pulling process in the cold night.This was originally a good thing. After all, the floor of the hall is very smooth, but the coefficient of friction under the sheep's feet is surprisingly high. It seems that the ground has a special attraction to the sheep's legs, which is hard for Leng Ye.

After a lot of hard work, Leng Ye finally pulled out one.The second one, Leng Ye changed his strategy, no longer pulling, but hugging.With Leng Ye's strength, after overcoming the momentary resistance of the sheep leaving the ground, he easily moved the sheep out.Leng Ye even felt that the weight of a sheep was not even thirty catties, which was much less labor-saving than the first one.

(End of this chapter)

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