Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 179 Skill Training

Chapter 179 Skill Training (3)
"Fuck it!!! Help me embroider a pair of embroidered shoes in the future!" Shuang'er laughed.

Leng Ye was a little angry, but he couldn't do anything about this unruly and willful Shuang'er.

The thread has been threaded, but how to embroider, and the cold night is difficult again-air embroidery is not easy.

"Good Shuang'er, help me straighten the cloth!" Leng Ye said in an almost begging tone.

This time, Shuang'er didn't play childish temper, and came directly to help.But when Leng Ye's needles were piercing the cloth, four big characters appeared on the cloth: self-reliance, embroidery in the air.

It's hard to break the cold night, it's really leaking and it rains all night!Leng Ye had no choice but to hold the embroidered cloth in one hand, and stabbed randomly on it with a needle in the other.

To achieve such a speed, in addition to having a fast shooting speed, one must also have full skills.Leng Ye's shooting speed is already very good, the only thing is that he has not yet found the technique of aerial embroidery.

After half a day of groping, Leng Ye finally found the technique to accurately pierce the needle through the embroidery cloth.The embroidered cloth had already been embroidered with red spots by Leng Ye. To Leng Ye's surprise, he didn't use any bottom thread when he embroidered.

These speckles are still quite far from the shape of an egg, and they are hard-working practitioners in cold nights.

After another day, a fiery red egg appeared on the embroidered cloth, vividly.Leng Ye knew that he had succeeded, and this was also a reminder from the system.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for completing the aerial embroidery task. Accurately increase skill by [-], increase by [-], and increase prestige by [-].

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for obtaining the superpower of Nether's heterogeneous energy, improving his overall quality, and completing the task of Nether ghosts. The system rewards the player Leng Ye with [-] prestige and Shuang'er's level increased by [-] levels.

"It's over like this?" Leng Ye was contemplating, when Shuang'er's voice sounded in the hall: "Ah!"

Then, Shuang'er's whole body caught fire.Leng Ye hurried up to help Shuang'er fight, trying to put out the fire, but the two of them were bathed in the raging fire at the same time.Leng Ye also gradually lost her intuition...

(End of this chapter)

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