Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 184 Moon Night Forest

Chapter 184 The Moonlit Forest (1) ([-])
Moon Night Forest is Yuelao's hiding place. Although it was discovered recently, there are quite a lot of people who come here because there are too many infatuated men and women.It is estimated that they are all to see if they can get some benefits to please their girlfriends, wives, lovers or Xiaomi, of course Leng Ye is no exception.

Leng Ye compared the terrain with the map, and it seemed that he had to go deep into the Moon Night Forest to find the hiding place of Yuelao indicated on the map.

Going deep into the Moon Night Forest along the way, there are fewer and fewer players along the way, and the monsters encountered by Leng Ye along the way are about level [-], which is very suitable for current players to come here to level up, especially the violence rate here seems to be higher than other places. At least Leng Ye came all the way, and the monsters produced more gold coins than other places. From this point of view, this place is really a gold hiding place.

According to the map, Leng Ye walked all the way and finally found the location indicated on the map.

This is an ancient building. It looks like it has a long history. There are four golden characters on the door frame on the first floor: Yuelaolou.The bad thing is that there are quite a few players here, and the level of monsters around here is already above [-]. It stands to reason that ordinary players shouldn't come here to level up, so why are so many players here?It seems that he is strong and cowardly!

From the outside, this building has seven floors. When Leng Ye walked into the tower, there were many players inside, even many people he had met before, and there were many masters on the ranking list.

If you don't have money, you can play with things, and if you have money, you can play with people. This is the unchanging truth for thousands of years. Leng Ye never thought that these ordinary-sounding people would be as lustful as himself.

A little pastor's sister came over, immediately recognized Leng Ye, and greeted him, it turned out to be Leng Ye and the fans of Sword Demon Palace.Leng Ye learned more information from the little pastor's sister.Most of the things that pop up here are women's hand gestures, rings, and the like, but those items are meldable.In other words, these equipments can be smelted together with other equipments. If successful, the attributes of these equipments will be partially or fully added to the equipments. That's why so many masters come here.The little pastor's sister also told Leng Ye that someone had killed the boss on the first floor just now, and even created a ring that added luck by [-], so many people went to the second floor.However, the monsters on the second floor were much more powerful than those on the first floor. Many people couldn't hold back and retreated. Only a few high-level people stayed on the second floor.

This building occupies quite a large space, and Leng Ye searched for a long time before finding the entrance to the second floor, and there were so many forks in the building, it was like a maze.

Leng Ye went to the second floor, and the monsters inside were indeed more powerful than the first floor. The monsters on the first floor were basically around level [-]-[-]. On the second floor, the monsters were all level [-].

Leng Ye began to search for the next floor, and the monsters on the road had already been cleaned up by those who came first, but the refreshing speed was quite fast.

Suddenly there was a noise in front, Leng Ye walked over following the sound, and saw a group of people attacking what seemed to be a boss-level monster from a distance.At this time, the boss couldn't hold back under the siege of so many people, and fell down with a scream, throwing out a lot of objects.

"Jade bracelet!" Someone exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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