Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 187 Moon Night Forest

Chapter 187 The Moonlit Forest (1) ([-])
Seeing Leng Ye again, the Ice Witch found that she was a little surprised, which made her hate herself for being too frank at the beginning. If she was a little shy, she might become his confidante. This is also the first time that the Ice Witch fell in love with her one person.After the last martial arts competition, she has been looking for a chance to talk to Leng Ye, but unfortunately Leng Ye is too busy...

"Brother Leng is here to get a piece of the pie?" The evil god Feng Zhentian probing, now his chances of getting the jade bracelet are already very small, and the appearance of Leng Ye once again messed up the situation, making him feel lucky again. The more chaos the better for him.

"Oh, I'm here to take people away." Leng Ye's words made everyone's faces change, and Qin Wudi's face was gloomy: "As far as I know, Brother Leng and her seem to have a grudge, what does Brother Leng mean? Do you want to swallow the jade bracelet by yourself?"

The Ice Witch looked at Leng Ye with complicated eyes, "He really came to help me", which made her feel a little happy.

"Although he didn't have a good impression during the martial arts competition, it was probably because he was bewitched by Shao Jingyan. How can I say that I am also a virgin..." the ice witch said silently in her heart.

"As for whether there is any enmity or not, that is my own business. I just want to sell Leng some face, and there will be rewards in the future." Leng Ye is also unwilling to completely offend the three people in front of him, after all, he is now the largest gang in China. helper.

Qin Wudi and others were speechless for a while, they didn't have the courage and strength to fight Leng Ye, and they were reluctant to give up the jade bracelet, so they stalemate for a while.

At this moment, another voice rang out: "It's really lively here, so I'll join in the fun." It turned out to be Ying who spoke, and he also came.

"Brother Feng, Brother Yin, Brother Qin, it seems to me that Brother Leng fought against the heroes alone without bringing anyone. I really admire his bravery. Why don't we play with him for fun?"

Ying's proposal is not innocuous.There are actually people in the world who are not afraid of Leng Ye and Sword Demon God's Palace, which made many onlookers admire them very much.And by doing so, he provoked a war where several forces attacked the Sword Demon God's Palace. At the same time, while weakening the strength of several parties, he can now fish in troubled waters.He also wants the jade bracelet, but he will have no chance if he doesn't muddy the water, and with so many people, he doesn't believe that Leng Ye is really invincible to one enemy, if Leng Ye accidentally hangs up, maybe what equipment will fall out Well, if it's an artifact, hum, it's much more precious than a jade bracelet.

In fact, Ying's biggest capital is that he sees that Leng Ye is no longer on the ranking list, so he regards Leng Ye as a paper tiger.

The other three obviously thought of this, and they gradually surrounded Leng Ye under the impulse.

Leng Ye is a little helpless, the harm of walking alone is that people will bully you if you are few.But Leng Ye was afraid of everything, except crowds, and he couldn't leave the Ice Witch alone.He took a step forward to block the wizard mm.

Leng Ye turned to the Ice Witch and whispered: "I heard from Shuang'er that you went to the Sword Demon Palace a few times and wanted to apologize to me. Why? I also heard that you had a falling out with Shao Jingyan. What's going on?" ? Why did you say today that you defeated me if you were not careless? Why did you drag me into it? I heard that you also saved a few brothers from the Jingu, why?..."

(End of this chapter)

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