Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 192 Wedding Ring

Chapter 192 Wedding Ring (1) ([-])
Yuelao San was already alone at this time, and after Leng Ye also participated in the attack, it couldn't make any waves. Facing the multiple blows from the pets, Yuelao San soon wobbled and couldn't stand still.Following Leng Ye's piercing spear piercing its throat, Yue Laosan finally fell into a pool of blood, exploding all the equipment on the ground.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing the boss Yue Laosan and gaining [-] reputation.

With joy, Leng Ye tidied up the spoils on the ground.Yuelao San didn't reveal any good things. Although there were a lot of things, there was only one piece of dark gold equipment that could barely catch his eyes. To Leng Ye, the rest were no different from trash, let alone a wedding ring.Leng Ye noticed earlier that the monsters here seem to have a very low chance of breaking their equipment.

If the violent rate of this kind of jewelry is high, will it still attract so many famous people?sweat--

Why do other people explode bracelets and rings, but I only have rubbish? Is it because you are jealous that I am handsome?Leng Ye touched his face and found a pimple, then groped up to the fourth floor of Yuelao Building.I'm going to kill the boss on the top, I'm not afraid that the wedding ring will be exposed.

Every level higher, the monster is three points more powerful, Leng Ye is very aware of this, so he began to be cautious in his movements.The mobs on the fourth floor are all skeleton archers, which are incompatible with the layout of the Yuelao Building. Although the level is much higher, but with Leng Ye's broken arrow style and the help of the golden-winged roc, he can still Take it easy.It's just that there are more and more forks in the "maze" on the fourth floor, and Leng Ye doesn't know which way to go. According to previous experience, the boss on the fourth floor should be on the way to the fifth floor, so Leng Ye has no choice but to Trying one by one, so a lot of time wasted.

The designer of the maze is also really wicked. There were several times when Leng Ye went back to the starting point, and Leng Ye cursed the game designer again.The monsters on the road appeared from time to time, but they happened to be the target of Leng Ye's anger, and these monsters could only consider themselves unlucky.

Hard work pays off, after a lot of tossing, Leng Ye found the entrance to the fifth floor, and he also saw the BOSS here—a little old man with a kind face, not tall, similar to the one on the third floor, but holding a It's the green line instead of the yellow line.

This is the fourth-floor boss Yue Lao Si.

Since the mobs here are all skeleton archers, Leng Ye guessed that Yue Lao Si should also be a guy who uses bows and arrows. Maybe the green thread in his hand might turn into a green bow at some point.

Leng Ye's current level is more than [-]. With Dugu Nine Swords, the level is no longer important to him, coupled with his unique system, so he is very confident in sending Yue Lao Si back to the west, plus Golden Wing With the help of Dapeng, Leng Ye is like a fish in water.

The arrival of Leng Ye aroused the vigilance of Yue Lao Si. He commanded his skeleton archers to line up in front, while he himself was behind. As Leng Ye expected, the green line in Yue Lao Si's hand It became a long green bow.

(End of this chapter)

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