Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 200 Gang Wars

Chapter 200 Gang Wars (2) ([-])
The Evil Spirit Temple is located on Mount Sumeru. It was just established a few days ago. Due to the early staffing, it has developed rapidly. At this moment, in the Evil Spirit Temple,

"What? The Sword Demon Shrine is about to declare war on us!"

The evil god slammed the table violently, and now he knew very clearly that the crisis was just around the corner.When he got the exact information, there were still 15 minutes before the time for the sword demon palace to send out the siege application. This was too careless, and it was a fatal mistake.

There is still 4 hour and [-] minutes left, and we can't wait any longer. The evil god Feng Zhentian immediately used the guild function to issue a gang announcement, "All online players of the evil spirit temple will come back immediately to defend the city and face the sword demon palace!"

Soon, the Evil Spirit Temple entered the so-called first-level alert state.Helpless, there are only a few thousand people in the resident now, and most of them have just left for leveling.

Chaos immediately broke out on Mount Sumeru. N people rushed back to defend the city, and the chaos inside the city was even more chaotic. This was not an ordinary fight, but a top guild battle. The business was closed, the city gate caught fire, and the fish in the pond were affected. Only the stores opened by the system are still open, and the people who come and go are in a mess.

At this time, the [-] people from the Bow and Arrow Hall Thief Fragrance in the Sword Demon God's Palace had already arrived at their destination first, besieged and killed the single people from the Evil Spirit Temple, and those who had just returned to the city were caught off guard.This group of people has the nature of robbers. Due to the strict gang rules of the Sword Demon God Palace, they suppressed it for a long time, and finally broke out today...

At eight o'clock, the siege letter was sent out, and the system announcement sounded throughout the entire China region. Now everyone knew that a large-scale battle was about to begin.

No matter what era and where, there are always people who like to watch the excitement and are not afraid of death, and there are not a few of them. No, a group of people with the brand of "War Reporters Corps" has already set off to the front line...

This hour is also the key, whichever side dispatches well will win.

The evil god Feng Zhentian heard that someone in the city was attacking the returnees, so he immediately sent someone to respond.The purpose of sending thieves or Leng Ye out is to harass them, and it's best to upset them with anger. This lazy gangster is not lazy at critical times!Of course, Leng Ye would not be so stupid as to really think that these thieves could prevent them from returning to the city, and the deeper purpose was to create a false appearance so that the siege equipment of the Sword Demon Palace could run more smoothly.

At this time, the dog-headed military adviser who wrote Shenfeng Zhentian came over and said, "Boss, good news!"

This is what the evil god Feng Zhentian likes to hear most now.

"What news, tell me quickly!"

"We have already negotiated with Shao Jingyan and Qin Wudi. Although the time is a bit short, they will try their best to mobilize their troops. As long as we defend and hold back the vitality of the Sword Demon Palace, they can attack the Sword Demon Palace with all their strength and let Leng Ye suffer from the enemy. , so whether he is fighting back or fighting, we can pinch him."

"Oh? How did they prepare?" the evil god Feng Zhentian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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