Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 202 Gang Wars

Chapter 202 Gang Wars (1) ([-])
At this time, there were two people sitting in the conference hall of the headquarters of the Rose Society, one was a rather handsome hostess, and the other was an ordinary-looking guest who couldn't be more ordinary.If you thought they were having an affair, you were very, very wrong.

The female is Shao Jingyan, the leader of the Rose Society, and the male is Qin Wudi of the Assassin's Guild.

"Brother Qin, how does this superb Longjing taste?"

"En~~~, not bad, but at this time, Sister Yan still has time to drink tea with me leisurely, it's really very calm, I don't know how sure you are about this battle?"

"What do you think?" Shao Jingyan asked back,
"Hehe, fifty percent!"

Obviously, Qin Wudi was not optimistic about the evil god Feng Zhentian, and he was not sure whether the two of them could break through the Sword Demon God Palace. After all, the Sword Demon God Palace was the largest gang in the Central Plains, and their superiority in numbers ensured their unity in battle. In addition, the sword demon palace is protected by colorful crystals, so it is very difficult to break through it. Who knows whether Leng Ye will stay behind, so the two of them did not try their best in this matter.

"I think it's only [-]%!"

"Oh? Isn't this an unwinnable battle? Why is Sister Yan so negative!"

"Haha, it's not that I'm negative. You and I are both businessmen. The purpose of entering the game is nothing more than to make money. On the surface, we still have a chance of winning, but I'm sure the evil god Feng Zhentian can't last for an hour. Leng Ye's personal lethality Unfathomable, the morale on the battlefield is very important, the defeat is not a simple matter of numbers, their newly built catapults are not vegetarian, and there are an amazing number of magicians and archers, hehe, once Cheng Po, this game is basically over, and the point is not here, I'm sure he must have an ace in his hand!"

"You mean..."

"That's right, Leng Ye and the few sluts around him were missing during the last battle of the sword demon city. It is rumored that they completed the mission of Mount Sumeru. As for the benefits they got, I think the power is not among the colorful crystals. Next? Once the city is broken, do you think anyone will be able to stop the attack of the Warrior Hall led by the Golden Sword and Silver Spear? And I also know that there are only two people who have flying pets at present, Leng Ye and Han Shuang'er, and they are the only two so far. A divine beast, Golden Winged Roc and Colorful Xiaobing should both be above [-] levels, ordinary pets at this level are very scary, let alone divine beasts!"

"Oh, this matter is very difficult, you should tell the evil god Feng Zhentian to prepare early?"

"Hehe, of course, we will tell him later, so that we can show our sincerity, what do you think? Haha."

"In this case, we might as well not help him this time!"

"Wrong, we still have to go, so I said that it will take more than an hour, and the evil spirit temple will probably be finished by then, so there is no need for us to go! We can explain it to both sides."

"But it's not good for us to let Leng Ye sit like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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