Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 209 Meeting a Flying Tiger in a Foreign Land

Chapter 209 Meeting a Flying Tiger in a Foreign Land (1)
The first large-scale formal gang war in China ended in just one hour. After this battle, although tens of thousands of gang wars will continue in China, there should be no one in a short time Challenge the Sword Demon Shrine.

This war not only consolidated the status of Sword Demon God Palace as the largest gang in China, but also raised Leng Ye to a new level.Players in China also regard Sword Demon as an unshakable god in their hearts, and there are facts to prove it.

On the main street of Suzaku City, a very beautiful, first-class figure, sexy and charming girl said to a 1.5-meter-high one-eyed dragon with a crooked leg and crooked mouth: "I will marry you if I defeat the Sword Demon!"

On the bustling streets of Nuwa City, a player who runs a hotel can't help but sigh with emotion: "I have no regrets in my life if I have the opportunity to cook a meal for Sword Demon!"

An auction house owner with a net worth of over [-] million in Qinglong City said to himself: "If the sword demon agrees to marry my daughter, I am willing to give him all his net worth. If he does not think too much, I am willing to give my [-] marry all his daughters!"

A beggar NPC in White Tiger City said to his colleagues: "Let's go to Sword Demon City to develop! If we can get a worn sock from Sword Demon, we will give it away."

Almost all the female players in Sword Demon City gathered outside the meeting hall of Sword Demon God Palace, collectively requesting to meet Leng Ye and ask for their autographs...

For several days in a row, wherever Leng Ye appeared, there were "starchasers". If they were all beauties, it would be fine. What Leng Ye couldn't tolerate was that many dinosaurs and some people with special hobbies also posted on him.Leng Ye finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned the space ring that had not been used for a long time, and came to an unknown space.

The place where Leng Ye landed was a city. Not only was the architectural style of the city different from that of the China region, but even the players walking around were blonde and blue-eyed players, and those people would glance at Leng Ye from time to time as they passed by.Leng Ye saw that there were all kinds of people walking on the street, but judging from their attire, they were different from the players in China. Some were carrying long swords, and some were riding tall horses... Leng Ye knew, This is a professional difference.Listening to the surrounding voices, they were all speaking bird language. Although Leng Ye's English in college was not good, he could still hear these people speaking the language he had learned. Although he didn't understand it very well, the basic He still knows.

Since the flag of the United Kingdom was planted almost all over the country, it was difficult to judge which country it was in the cold night.He didn't want to be discriminated against by foreigners because of his poor English. After all, he was in a foreign country. With Leng Ye's temper, once he rose to the height of the country, he would not be able to help but fight. Leng Ye is a patriotic young man!

(End of this chapter)

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