Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 212 Flying Tiger Cave

Chapter 212 Flying Tiger Cave (2) ([-])
The golden-winged roc flew into the sky again, making Leng Ye a little sick.Because apart from the lush trees here, there is a huge dung beetle crawling around, and its ugly and ferocious appearance makes people shudder.Watching them nimbly climbing trees, jumping, drilling holes, and preying on small animals, Leng Ye felt a chill in his heart: "What the hell is this place, it's so abnormal! NND!"

Hearing Leng Ye's words, the golden-winged roc gave a long roar, and then flapped its wings, and countless feathers shot out from his two wings, transforming into countless flying knives and shooting towards it.

Leng Ye once again saw the skill of Golden Winged Roc, which was only comprehended at level [-] - Feather Arrow.It is an evolutionary version of Dapeng spreading its wings. It can attack up to [-] targets, and the damage to each target is [-] (percentage) of its own physical attack damage.

Countless throwing knives hit the hard shell of the dung beetle, and the huge dung beetle was instantly crushed, but nothing exploded.Leng Ye complained angrily, then flew up again, looking for the "Flying Tiger"'s lair.

Flying over this deserted island, the cold night felt very blurred, and I couldn't find the north after a while.In desperation, he rushed to the sky, and carefully examined the terrain here again...

This deserted island is not far from Purple Heart Island on Mount Sumeru, the only difference is that Mount Sumeru is all purple land, but here is all forests.After searching for a long time, Leng Ye felt dizzy, but there was no result at all.

The golden-winged roc flew Leng Ye to the outskirts of the island. Leng Ye sat down on a big rock and began to play with the flying tiger egg in his hand.

"Shen Diao, is Flying Tiger good?" Leng Ye chatted with Golden Winged Roc in a bored manner.

"Master, besides being timid, Flying Tiger is very powerful. According to your human definition, it should be regarded as a pet above the seventh level." Gold-winged Dapeng said.

"What you know is really bad!" Leng Ye said casually.

Hearing Leng Ye's appreciation, the golden-winged roc blew up: "That's right, there is nothing in the sky and on the earth that I don't know..."

"You are so powerful, so you must know Feihu's lair?" Leng Ye asked.

"Hey Hey!"

"Speak now!"

"I do not know."

cold night……

The island is not too big, so it is not difficult to walk through the entire forest.After all, the size of flying tigers is not small, so the entrance to their nests will not be as small as a mouse hole.After resting for a while, the golden-winged roc led the way, and Leng Ye started the ground operation.

After walking for a long time, Leng Ye saw a big tree in the woods that at least five or six people could only embrace it.The trunk has been hollowed out and has the shape of a small door, but the leaves are very lush, which is why it is not easy to find in the air.

"Boss, it should be here. I looked inside and it's very dark and bright." Garuda poked his head in, then retracted and said.

"It's really hard to find here!" Leng Ye walked in the passage leading to the Flying Tiger's lair, led by the golden-winged roc, and walked straight in.

(End of this chapter)

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