Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 214 Flying Tiger Cave

Chapter 214 Flying Tiger Cave (1) ([-])

"You silly eagle, there is only one way for you to turn, are you blind!" Leng Ye said angrily, since Leng Ye knew that Garuda can talk, he has always wanted to talk to it, but the most he talked But it is a dirty word.

"Old, old... Boss, calm down! There was a stupid tiger bumping into me in front of me, and I am innocent." Garuda Dapeng said hesitantly, with endless grievances in those words.

"Silly tiger?" Hearing these two words, Leng Ye's previous unhappiness disappeared immediately, because he knew that he had really found Feihu's shelter.

The Flying Tiger who hit him head-on didn't have a good result, and also fell to the ground.

After the golden-winged roc stood up, Leng Ye struggled to stand up with its feathers.Leng Ye found the Flying Tiger in front of him, it seemed that it was seriously injured, just when it was about to get up after stumbling, Leng Ye said: "God Eagle, get on!"

"Boss, why don't you go!" Gold-winged Dapeng said.

Hearing the words of the golden-winged roc, Leng Ye suddenly became angry, and secretly said: "Damn, how dare you talk back! No wonder Adam and Eve were punished for stealing the forbidden fruit! I have to deal with you guy."

Leng Ye immediately put on the airs of the master, and ordered the golden-winged roc: "I order you to go up as the master!!!"

"But... but... Boss, how can I get up without a ladder!" Garuda said calmly.

Leng Ye was dizzy and said angrily, "Silly Diao, I'll let you go up and fight the flying tiger."

"Boss, their ancestor is the White Tiger, one of the Four Sacred Beasts. They are all my good friends. Do you have the heart to kill it?" said the golden-winged roc.

"If you don't kill it, I'll kill you!" Leng Ye kicked the golden-winged roc while speaking.

"Boss, please spare me! I can easily kill it in the air, but I have never fought on the ground, this hole is so low, I can't fly!" Golden-winged roc pleaded.

Leng Ye cursed helplessly, and then said to him: "Do as I say—close your eyes—spread your wings—release the 'feather arrow'."

The golden-winged roc did as Leng Ye said, and soon, its wings sent out countless feathers and shot at the flying tiger ahead...

Looking at Feihu again, it seemed that he could understand the conversation between Leng Ye and Golden Winged Roc. When the two of them were talking, Feihu stood there quietly.What it didn't expect was that the golden-winged roc suddenly launched an attack on itself. When it saw the flying knife with transformed feathers coming, it was too late to dodge. Not only its body, but also its wings and four feet were all injured. The flying knife was stabbed, injured, bloody all over, and fell to the ground again.

Leng Ye ran over quickly, just as he cut his finger, Feihu kicked all fours and died.

The golden-winged roc obviously also knew about Feihu's death, so he hurried to Leng Ye's side and said excitedly, "Boss, boss, I can kill monsters without flying! Is there any reward?"

(End of this chapter)

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