Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 216 Holy Beast 6-Winged Flying Tiger King

Chapter 216 The Holy Beast Hexapod King (1) ([-])
The afterglow of the setting sun shone on this valley, and countless big and small flying tigers were flopping towards their lairs. At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and the valley was peaceful, except for a few strange calls occasionally.

And our big lazy egg, Leng Ye, fell asleep lying on a rock.In the dream, he was doing good deeds with countless beauties in Feihu's lair. The women's cries resounded throughout the valley, and even the calm surface of the lake was rippled by the lewd sounds...

——At this moment, if any flying tiger came over, it would be enough to kill Leng Ye.

Leng Ye woke up slowly, looked up at the starry sky, the moon was far away and the stars were sparse, he smiled and shook his head again.

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, is it time to steal eggs?
There are three ways to turn other people's things into your own. The first way is to give it away, the second way is to grab it, and the third way is to steal it.

If you want to get Feihu's descendants (Feihu eggs), obviously the first two methods are not suitable at the moment, but the third method is perfect.

Having made up his mind, Leng Ye called out the golden-winged roc, muttered to it a few words, and then the golden-winged roc flew up with Leng Ye on board.

The golden-winged roc is a super divine beast, of course it can fly silently, and Leng Ye decided to steal it because he valued it.If there is no golden-winged roc, Leng Ye would have problems climbing up to Feihu's lair.

The golden-winged roc carried Leng Ye secretly and slowly fluttered against the cliff without making any sound.Their slow and determined figures gradually approached the nest closest to the passage, Leng Ye climbed up to the edge of the nest, and gently probed to check.

A white flying tiger was sleeping quietly, and the strong airflow from its breath made the grass next to it dance continuously.Leng Ye glanced at it quickly, and then fixed his gaze on a white thing that was covered by its hind paws, only a little exposed.

"Flying tiger eggs! Hehe!" Leng Ye was very happy, and began to keep turning his mind: "How can I steal these flying tiger eggs that are being suppressed by them?"

Seeing that the flying tiger was sleeping soundly, Leng Ye boldly crawled to its side, grabbed the flying tiger's egg and tried to pull it out. "Damn, it's so heavy!" Finding that the egg was motionless under the claws, Leng Ye let go of his hand depressedly, and sighed helplessly.

"Doesn't it mean that the game has completely entered the stage of autonomous operation, and everything can happen? Maybe it can!" After thinking for a long time, Leng Ye gently pulled out a tree branch next to the nest, and climbed to the side of Feihu again, Slowly stretch out the branch and scratch it on its belly.

Leng Ye silently prayed.As expected, Feihu trembled all over, his paws let go of the flying tiger's eggs, stretched out on his stomach to scratch, and quickly let go of it.Leng Ye was overjoyed, and carefully crawled out of the nest slowly.

There were a lot of pebbles on the ground, Leng Ye picked up some of the same size as flying tiger eggs by moonlight and put them in the interspatial ring, then sat on the back of the golden-winged roc, came to the flying tiger again, scratched It itch.

(End of this chapter)

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