Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 226 The Power of the Six-Winged Flying Tiger King

Chapter 226 The Power of the Six-Winged Flying Tiger King (2)

Xiaobai was a little discouraged, and tilted his head to look at Leng Ye.Leng Ye stroked Xiaobai's head, reassured him that it was all right, and killed the monster that "bullied" Xiaobai with a single blow.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye's pet Xiaobai's level increase.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye's pet Xiaobai's level increase.


System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye's pet Xiaobai's level increase.

Unexpectedly, after killing one monster, Xiaobai has already reached level [-].Looking at Xiaobai's attack again, Leng Ye opened his mouth wide.

"[-]!" Leng Ye never dreamed that Xiaobai's attack would increase by [-] when he upgraded to a level, which is enough to surpass the attack of ordinary players at level [-].

Leng Ye killed a few mobs at level [-] in seconds, Xiaobai's level rose to level [-].The tenth-level Xiaobai's attack has reached [-], and he has an additional skill: Claw Crack.

Claw Cleave: Primary level, each attack has a [-] (percent) chance of tearing the opponent, the wound will continue to bleed after being torn, and then the attack will be [-] (percent), [-] (percent), [-] per second (percent sign)... [-] (percent sign), [-] (percent sign) continue to cause damage to the opponent, and can be upgraded.

Seeing this skill, Leng Ye was so excited that he forgot his last name.Xiaobai at level [-] attacks a monster, if the [-] (percent sign) chance is triggered, not only will it cause [-] damage to the opponent, but it will also cause [-]*[-]=[-] damage within [-] seconds.

"MYGOD!" Leng Ye also began to believe in God, because God gave him a treasure.

"Brother, that little tiger is very powerful, and I really want one." Bauhinia said to Hong Kong and Macau infatuatedly.

Hong Kong and Macao have loved this younger sister since they were young, and they just comforted: "I will catch one for you when I have a chance in the future."

But, is the holy beast so easy to catch as a top existence in the game?
So Bauhinia was very dissatisfied with her brother's answer: "When will I have a chance! Forget it, I'll go and ask Brother Leng Ye."

They have gradually entered the territory of level [-] monsters. Leng Ye is riding Xiaobai to kill monsters at this moment. Because of killing monsters by leapfrogging, Xiaobai's level has increased very quickly.When Xiaobai's level reaches level [-], he can already instantly kill the monsters here, so there will often be such a situation: Leng Ye directs Xiaobai to rush like a monster, but Leng Ye's sword has not touched the monster yet. At the right moment, Xiaobai had already knocked the monster away, and the next moment, the monster had turned into a flash of light and disappeared, and Leng Ye had no choice but to pick up the loot.

Leng Ye was so cool that he suddenly heard the voice of Bauhinia: "Brother, can you let me ride your little tiger?"

Leng Ye commanded Xiaohu to stop beside the Bauhinia flower, and said, "Those who can ride together, come up!"

Bauhinia immediately nodded in agreement, climbed up Xiaobai's back, and put her legs between the two pairs of meat wings behind Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)

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