Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 239: Thirsty Death Beast

Chapter 239 Thirsty Death Beast (2) ([-])
"TMD!" Leng Ye cursed secretly, checked his body, nothing was dropped, and his level was not lowered.

"Could it be that He Shibi can be revived infinitely?" Leng Ye touched the jade pendant on his chest, and then his facial expression changed.

The jade pendant, which was still warm before, has cooled down now.Leng Ye also guessed that the ice-cold jade pendant should not have the resurrection effect for the time being. Although the system has been activated automatically, it will not allow an undead super monster to exist, so as to disrupt the balance of the game.

"Do it again and again, you can't do it again and again, maybe that's the reason!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Since the Loch Ness monster cannot be approached by land or air, how about by water? Maybe from underwater... hehe!" Leng Ye smiled and cursed: "Don't be stupid, it's a fairy in the water. Go to the water Here, it's like moths to a flame!"

give up?This has never been Leng Ye's character.But he will not do things in vain, after all, for a lazy person like him, efficiency is very important.

He couldn't come up with a good plan to deal with the Loch Ness monster for a while, so Leng Ye decided to visit Mount Nevis, which he had never seen before in reality, to relax, and maybe he could think of dealing with the Loch Ness monster Methods.

Saying goodbye to the Loch Ness Monster, Leng Ye directed Xiao Bai to fly again.

It is said that a mountain is divided into four seasons. This is true. Except for the special existence of Loch Ness, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, and when it goes down, it gradually becomes alive. Various coniferous vegetation appear, including pines and cypresses, and many more I don't know if it's Leng Ye who can't name it or various plants that don't exist in reality.Further down is a scene of green leaves.

"It's so fucking beautiful!" Leng Ye admired while admiring the beautiful scenery on the mountain.

Unknowingly, Leng Ye came to a hut at the foot of the mountain. After circling twice, he found that there was a farm nearby, but the crops here were very special-yellow branches and leaves, yellow straw.Look at the ears of wheat (it is purely fictitious, as to whether there is wheat in this place is unknown), all of them lowered their heads to the ground.

"I'm so popular?" Leng Ye couldn't help but touched his face and laughed.

"Since it is a farm, there should be farmers," Leng Ye thought, and walked into one of the huts.

The hut is not big, and the facilities inside are very simple: a table, two chairs, a bed, and a cabinet.An old woman was lying on the bed, covered with a gray quilt, and sitting beside the bed was a wrinkled old man with thinning hair and a beard.

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm passing by, can I ask for a bowl of water?" Leng Ye smiled inwardly as he said the lines of the TV series.

"Son, sit down!" The old man said to Leng Ye, motioning him to sit down on a chair away from the bed.

Since this foreign old man can understand Leng Ye's words, Leng Ye is sure that this old man is probably an NPC here rather than a player (just realized, sweat~~~).Leng Ye sat down and watched the old man take out a blue and white porcelain bowl, slowly approached the water tank, and scooped it randomly, and heard the sound of the porcelain bowl hitting the inner wall of the water tank from time to time.

It took a long time for the old man to bring the bowl over. Leng Ye took the bowl, looked at it, and froze there.

Where is the water here? It is clearly the sludge dug out from the bottom of the river.

Leng Ye wanted to get angry, but suddenly thought that anything could happen in the game, and thought: "Perhaps this is a hidden mission. Drinking this muddy water might improve your health." So he pinched his nose Take a sip.

Leng Ye guessed right, those were indeed sludge from the bottom of the river, it tasted weird when he drank it, he immediately felt sick, and the next moment he would vomit profusely...

(End of this chapter)

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