Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 243 Thirsty Death Beast

Chapter 243: Thirsty Death Beast (3) ([-])
The old man and the old woman originally wanted to stay in Leng Ye for a little longer, but Leng Ye was impatient, so he bid farewell to the two old men in a hurry, got on Xiaobai, and flew to the top of the mountain.

Landing on the shore of Loch Ness again, the cold night tentatively approached the lake.As expected, the Loch Ness Monster appeared before his eyes again.Fortunately, I was fully prepared for this cold night, so that the water jet sprayed by the Loch Ness Monster did not attack.

Leng Ye once again confirmed that the Loch Ness Monster is a very spiritual monster, and the entire Loch Ness is its territory, but this monster cannot walk out of Loch Ness, is really unimaginable.

The sun hangs high, there is a dazzling feeling, but there is no trace of temperature on such a high mountain top.The clouds in the sky are also white and blue.Look at the lake of Loch Ness again, it is crystal clear, and there is not even a single aquatic plant in it.

Maybe Leng Ye is the only person on Mount Nevis now, or maybe there is only Leng Ye alone near Loch Ness. The Loch Ness monster is watching Leng Ye closely from the lake, and sticking his head into the water from time to time, and then coming out again , as it enters and exits, the ripples slowly spread into the lake.

The Loch Ness Monster is still so leisurely and contented. It only watched the weak creatures in front of it frequently die under the attack of its own water column. To the heart of that weak creature, not to mention that its death is not far away.

"Xiaobai, fly!" Leng Ye jumped onto the Seraph Tiger King and directed it to fly high into the sky.

Maybe it was because of too much force, Xiaobai plunged into the cloud as soon as he exerted force.

"Xiaobai, go down a little bit." Leng Ye commanded.

Xiaobai flapped six pairs of wings and landed slowly like a helicopter.

At a place more than ten meters away from the water surface of Loch Ness, Leng Ye stopped Xiaobai, took out the small stone weighing more than 3000 kilograms from the ring of space, and looked up at the Loch Ness monster on the water. , said coldly: "Go to hell!"

The little stone had a free fall movement, and before the Loch Ness monster could react on the water surface, it had plunged into Loch Ness.

"Damn, why didn't it explode." Leng Ye was a little disappointed with Xiaoshi's performance.In his opinion, even if it does not have the power of the atomic bomb dropped by the US military on Japan in the World War N years ago, at least it should create a scene like the explosion of a mountain.Because according to the farmer, this small stone should be a "little sun".

The surface of Loch Ness is equally calm, and even the Loch Ness Monster sticks its head out of the water, motionless.

Leng Ye directed Xiao Bai to circle a few times over Loch Ness, observing the water surface carefully.

Suddenly, Leng Ye found a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the lake, and the vortex was getting bigger and bigger.Look at the Loch Ness monster again, it is desperately swimming towards the waters away from the whirlpool.

In an instant, the surface of Loch Ness was foggy, like steam coming out of a steamer.Leng Ye knew that the heat from the small stones had begun to work. Without the help of the lake water, it might have died of thirst, at least it would have been much easier to kill the Loch Ness monster (at least it wouldn’t be able to spit out water. ,hey-hey!).

In less than ten seconds, the water in Loch Ness has been evaporated dry.The sun shines directly on the beach at the bottom of the lake, but the small stone and the Loch Ness Monster are gone.

At this moment, Leng Ye heard the system prompt.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for subduing the SS-level mythical beast Loch Ness Monster. The reward is [-] prestige and [-] prestige.

System prompt: The player's cold night level has increased.

System prompt: The player's cold night level has increased.


The system prompts the player to upgrade the cold night level.

When the system prompt ended, Leng Ye looked at his level and was shocked, he already had more than half of level [-] experience.Although he didn't care much about level, as long as he raised another half level and reached level [-], he could cross the border at will.

Thinking of the system prompting him to subdue the SS-level mythical beast Loch Ness, Leng Ye quickly opened his pet space, and then searched his whole body (including the space ring), but he was disappointed because there was no sign of Nessie at all. .

"Where is the little stone?" Leng Ye suddenly thought of the little stone, and quickly let Xiaobai fly down, searching carefully on the beach at the bottom of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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