Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 262 Summoned Beast Trouble

Chapter 262 Summoned Beast Trouble (1)
Then look at the Loch Ness Monster summoned by Leng Ye, twisted and struggled like a loach, but didn't move. At this time, Leng Ye also received a reminder from the system.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye, your summoned Loch Ness Monster died due to lack of water, its level will be reset to zero, and you can continue to summon it after [-] hours.

"Death from lack of water? Level cleared? SS-level beasts can really die of thirst! CAO!" Leng Ye smiled wryly, shook his head, and cursed.

Is this SS-level mythical beast a parallel import, or is this lazy sword not worthy of its name?With this question in mind, Leng Ye simply used the other three-night summoning skills.Then, a miniature sun the size of a ping-pong was suspended in the air, a snow-white ice silkworm the size of a fist was lying on the ground, and a little girl who looked only four or five years old was circling around the cold night beside her.

Leng Ye looked at these three summoned objects and felt that she was being fooled, it was not worthy of the name!

Looking at the attributes of the three of them, Leng Ye's mouth became an "O".

Summoned object: Little Sun Level [-] ([-]/[-]) / Level: Super God / Master: Leng Ye / Loyalty: [-] / Life: [-] / Attack: [-] / Wisdom: [-] / Defense: [-] / Speed: [-] / Skill : Levitation (innate skill, can hang in mid-air at will.), Sun's Light (can automatically restore the life of the owner Leng Ye and his teammates, the effect is related to the level of the little sun), hatred (can be used against ice monsters (including monsters of the water system) cause huge damage, and the size of the damage is related to the level of the little sun).


Summoned object: Ice Silkworm Level [-] ([-]/[-]) / Level: SS-level beast / Master: Leng Ye / Loyalty: [-] / Life: [-] / Attack: [-] / Wisdom: [-] / Defense: [-] / Speed: [-] / Skills: None
Summoned object: Snow White Level [-] ([-]/[-]) / Level: SS-level beast / Master: Leng Ye / Loyalty: [-] / Life: [-] / Attack: [-] / Wisdom: [-] / Defense: [-] / Speed: [-] / Intelligence: [-]
Skills: None
The rank of the little sun turned out to be a super god, which Leng Ye said he had never come into contact with before, but he was sure that this little sun should have the strength of a super god.He has high HP and high defense, but his attack is [-], and he also has a skill called Sunlight. From this, Leng Ye speculates that this may be the reason why the True Sun Sword is called the Sword of Mercy.Although the lazy sword has a magical nature, it still has this hidden skill.

What Leng Ye didn't expect was that Snow White was also an SS-level beast. Although he didn't know Snow White's specific "professional" tendency, he knew that she must be a "favorite" just by looking at her super high intelligence.

Since these three summoned creatures are all powerful, Leng Ye guessed that the Loch Ness Monster should also be very powerful, but it should be a monster that fights in water.

After looking at the attributes of the three summoned objects, Leng Ye's previous depression disappeared, replaced by endless joy.Seeing that I haven't reached level [-], the cooldown of the ring of space has not yet expired, and I can't go back to the country, so I'd better train the summons first.At that time, I will take a group of beasts and super beasts to pick out those British guys, hehe! ! !

The decision has been made, Leng Ye is going to bid farewell to the dwarf tribe.But when he asked all the people in the dwarf tribe, they didn't know where they could lead to the outside, and what was worse was that they had never seen the outside world at all.

The seven dwarves died, and Leng Ye "falsely preached the imperial decree", making the old man with the white beard he met before become the patriarch here.The old man with white beard took office as a new official, he was very grateful to Leng Ye, and immediately offered to help Leng Ye find the exit with all his strength.

At first they were helpless, until Leng Ye brought them to the place where they fell before, and the white-bearded old man figured out a way - to build a sky ladder.

In order not to waste time, Leng Ye led the way by other people in the clan, and came to the only way to rescue Snow White, where he boredly killed the sheep-headed man and the kobold.

This killing lasted for three days.It wasn't until the white-bearded old man sent someone to inform Leng Ye that the sky ladder had been built, and Leng Ye stopped the slaughter. At this time, the blade of Lazy Sword was also purple and black because of too much blood.

Look again, the little sun has been upgraded to level [-], although the skills have not increased, but the effect of each skill has increased a lot.However, when Leng Ye saw Ice Silkworm and Snow White, he was depressed, because after three days of killing, their ranks did not change at all.Leng Ye was very puzzled and very depressed, and scolded himself for being an idiot. For three days, he was so busy caring about massacres that he didn't even notice this.

The sky ladder in the mouth of the old man with the white beard is simply a teleportation array, a teleportation array connecting the dwarf tribe and the outside world.These people have heard the dead elders talk about the outside world since they were young, and they are eager to go out and see it, but they can't find an interface with the outside world.It was also a win-win move for Leng Ye to help them find an "interface", and they received warm hospitality before leaving.

Standing on the skyscraper, Leng Ye felt dizzy, and a concept popped up in his mind - the tofu dregs project, and then his mind went blank, and then he didn't know anything.

(End of this chapter)

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