Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 266 The First Trial of the Lazy Sword

Chapter 266 The First Trial of the Lazy Sword (2)
"Brother Leng Ye, he wants to fight you one-on-one." Bauhinia said, pointing at the one holding the axe.

"One-on-one? He is not worthy, CAO. Let them fight together!" Leng Ye said angrily, blood was still flowing from the lazy sword in his hand.

"Brother Leng Ye, let's go together!" Bauhinia said.

Leng Ye looked at the angelic face of Bauhinia, hugged her, kissed her lightly, and said: "Don't worry, if they dare to betray my good sister, I will definitely not let them go."

Leng Ye took a few steps forward and said: "I didn't want to kill you, but you are blind and dare to bully my dignified Chinese Leng Ye woman, now I can only blame you for your bad luck."

Hearing the words Zhonghua Leng Ye, the twelve people all showed shock, looked at each other for a few times, and then ran over, surrounded Leng Ye.

Following the loud shouts of the twelve people, they held all kinds of weapons and ran quickly, attacking the cold night from all directions in the west.

At this moment, Leng Ye was very calm. He was not afraid of the arrival of the twelve people, and he didn't make any moves. He just held the lazy sword in his hand even tighter.

Twelve people approached Leng Ye at the same time. In their view, even if Leng Ye had three heads and six arms, it would be difficult to resist the simultaneous attack of twelve people.They also held this kind of thinking, tried their best, and each of them was unprepared, using this tactic of killing each other against Leng Ye.

But their wishful thinking was wrong, Leng Ye didn't give them any chance at all.As soon as they entered Leng Ye's three-meter attack area, the Lazy Sword in Leng Ye's hand emitted a purple-black light. The next moment, Leng Ye bent his left leg with his left foot as the axis, and stretched out his right leg to sweep away. His body turned in a circle, and at the same time the lazy sword in his hand waved, drawing a big circle.

That's right, what Leng Ye used was a move he created not long ago - the whirling sword.Then, the bodies of the twelve people seemed to be hit by some invisible thing, but it was definitely not the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand.

Then all twelve fell to the ground and were reborn.

Leng Ye was also very surprised by the action just now.When he created his own whirling sword in the Ice Temple, his sword fell on those monsters.Although the skill of the whirling sword stated that it could cause damage to enemies within [-] meters, but Leng Ye never thought that it could kill people from a distance.

"Could it be the sword energy that killed them? But why is there blood dripping from the sword?" Leng Ye thought wildly.

However, since they were killed, how they were killed is not important now.Embracing the redbud that rushed towards her, Leng Ye felt that she was even more handsome.

Looking at Xiaobai and the Four-winged Flying Tiger again, the two pets are now also touching their heads, playing friendly. "Closer to vermilion is red, and close to ink is black." Xiaobai has a flirtatious master, so it's not surprising that it can be like this.

Although the group of people exploded with a lot of equipment after their death, none of Leng Ye took a fancy to it, even Hong Kong students and the others dismissed it.If those people's equipment was a little better, Gangsheng's group would have gone to see Hades long ago.

"Brother Leng Ye, do you know why they wanted to kill us?" Bauhinia said to Leng Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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