Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 268 Only For Bauhinia

Chapter 268 Only For Bauhinia (1)
Anyway, there are still two days before the random teleportation function of the Ring of Space can be used, and Leng Ye is worried that the birdmen will still find trouble with Bauhinia, so he agrees with Bauhinia to take them to upgrade.

In fact, everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart, if not for the existence of Bauhinia, he would not stay here.Leng Ye just used the name of upgrading to get closer to Bauhinia.Besides, even if you want to upgrade them to Leng Ye, you don't need to do it yourself, the level [-] holy beast Seraph Tiger King is enough to deal with the level [-] monsters.

Perhaps because of the existence of the four-winged flying tiger, Xiaobai's performance is very hard, even in the cold night, he said that Xiaobai is lustful, so that Hong Kong, Macao, Hong Kong students and those who came back after death can only follow the tiger's ass to pick up garbage.

"Brother Leng Ye, where have you been these few days? Didn't you say you went back to China?" Bauhinia asked.

Leng Ye didn't hide anything, and told Bauhinia all the thrilling experiences of the past few days.Almost every little experience surprised Bauhinia a lot, so that in the end she was stunned there.

"Brother Leng Ye, didn't you say there is a Loch Ness Monster? And Snow White, I really want to see them! Let them out and see." Redbud said.

"Look!" Leng Ye pulled out the lazy sword from the ice scabbard, pointed in the air, and muttered a few words silently, and the little sun, ice silkworm and Snow White appeared in front of Bauhinia.

"Ah! How could this be?"

The one who was surprised wasn't the Bauhinia that he saw a few pets for the first time, but Leng Ye.And Leng Ye's experience has indeed undergone tremendous changes in just a few hours because of the three pets in front of him.

The little sun is bigger than before, and the light it emits is even more dazzling.The ice silkworm has changed from a tiny dot to the size of a bucket. As soon as it came out, it spit out a mouthful of silk at a mob that spawned next to it.And the bigger change is Snow White.

Snow White grew up from the four or five-year-old girl to eleven or twelve years old, vaguely showing the shadow of the Snow White that Leng Ye saw in the Ice Temple.Not to mention, the white dress she had been wearing turned purple, making her skin look even whiter.

Let's take a look at the levels of the three of them in the cold night.Little Sun has reached level [-], and Ice Silkworm and Snow White have also been upgraded, both reaching level [-].

"Brother Leng Ye, is this Snow White?" Bauhinia asked.

"En!" Leng Ye nodded.

"It's so cute! But why is Snow White wearing white clothes?" Bauhinia said to herself.

"I really want to know why she is wearing purple clothes, and I want to know why they upgraded for no reason." Leng Ye secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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