Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 270 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 270: In South Korea (Part 1) ([-])
In the past, Leng Ye landed either on a high mountain or a deserted island, but this time, what he didn't expect was that he landed in a crowd of people.

When Leng Ye opened his eyes, he saw a dense crowd of people in front of him, but from the appearance of the yellow skin and black eyes, Leng Ye was overjoyed——TMD, after drifting outside for more than a month, he finally came back, and couldn't help but feel in the space. kissed the ring.

Just when he was considering whether to send the Bauhinia to his side immediately, Leng Ye found that the two groups of people in front of him seemed to be at war.As far as the eye can see, the city wall not far away is full of archers and mages, shooting volleys and shooting crazily at the city, desperately guarding the city.However, the morale of the attacking side is high, and they have already attacked the city, and victory is in sight.

Since the faces of both sides of the battle were very unfamiliar, Leng Ye had no intention of helping anyone, and stood aside, watching the situation on the field.

I don't know when, two yellow-headed guys have come to the back of Leng Ye, "~~~@#(percent sign)#~~~@", after a while of bird chirping, both of them launched an attack on Leng Ye .

Because Leng Ye was busy watching the battle, but didn't want to be attacked from behind, he felt the pain, and he quickly used his lost track and jumped away.Turning his head, Leng Ye saw two yellow-haired guys, one with a short sword and the other with an axe.

The two yellow hairs stood there in a daze at the moment. What they didn't expect was that the two of them tried their best to kill the person in front of them with a joint fatal blow. After all, they both had more than [-] levels.However, they had no chance. When they wanted to give Leng Ye another sword and axe, Leng Ye's sword had already cut the throats of the two of them, so that they didn't know how they died.

"Damn, overestimate your own strength." Leng Ye snorted coldly.

"Hey~~~Are those two people from ethnic minorities? I can't understand what they said?~~...The tone is a bit familiar, like in a movie~~Isn't this the Chinese region? Could it be..."

Just as Leng Ye was thinking, a few more people came over, chattered a lot, then showed their weapons and surrounded Leng Ye.

"What the fuck, I thought I could see some of my pretty wives today so that I could enjoy the blessings of being equal to everyone, but there are a few guys who don't have good eyesight to disappoint me. Damn, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous." Leng Ye analyzed that these people should all be members of the siege party. Now that he has an idea, he must let them taste the consequences of breaking ground on Tai Sui.

There were 21 people surrounding Leng Ye, one of them was well-dressed (equipment above the dark gold level, and might even have a fairy weapon) with a flat head and a knife facing Leng Ye, and there was a burst of birdsong.Seeing that Leng Ye still didn't say a word, no matter what [-] [-] came up, he would chop it off.When he slashed, the others also surrounded him.

"Whirling sword!" Leng Ye shouted, and the sword spun along with him. In an instant, six of the seven fell down, and the remaining one was seriously injured.

The remaining one is the more upscale one.

(End of this chapter)

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