Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 280 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 280 Falling into South Korea (2) ([-])
"Is it really her? Is it really her? How is it possible? Her granddaughter and great-granddaughter are about the same." Leng Ye was full of excitement, a little excited, and a little excited.

Excitement and agitation can easily turn into impulsiveness, and Leng Ye is no exception. When he turned his mind, he quickly came up with an idea.

"Ah! It's so cold! It's so cold!...It's so cold!" Leng Ye closed his eyes and shouted in a daze, with his arms crossed and covering his chest.

"Ah! Brother Leng, Brother Leng, are you awake?" the beauty asked in panic.

"Ah! It's so cold! It's so cold!...It's so cold!" Leng Ye still kept his eyes closed, shouting in a daze, his body still shaking uncontrollably.

"It's cold, so what should I do?" "Beauty" muttered in a low voice, looking for something to keep warm.

In the game, there is an invisible temperature regulator in the hotel, and the temperature and humidity inside are always suitable for the human body.Therefore, many hotels have no bedding, no stove and the like.

"Ah! It's so cold! It's so cold!...It's so cold!" Leng Ye shouted louder, and his body trembled even more.

"What should I do! If there is something wrong with Brother Leng, how can I explain it to him! Besides, I'm sorry for myself! It doesn't matter, he hasn't woken up anyway." The "beauty" struggled a lot in her heart, and then made something to make Leng Ye The very anticipated action, her body pressed against Leng Ye's body, this is the so-called "Body Warming Dafa".

Leng Ye didn't have any magical equipment such as armor, and what he was wearing was the thin defective products from Xinshou Village, which was the reason why Leng Ye could fight but couldn't help it.But this also has an advantage, that is, every time I hug a few girls, I can feel the pair of big white rabbits on their chests more clearly.

As soon as the "beauty"'s body pressed up, Leng Ye felt suffocated, and didn't even dare to take a breath.What made him even more excited and gratified was that the "beauties" didn't seem to be wearing thick clothes like armor, but just the thin "accessory clothes" popular in the city (pretty but not useful).The result of this is that Leng Ye can clearly feel the soft big waves on the chest of the "beauty".

"Ah! It's cold! It's cold! . . . It's cold!"

The "beauties" were all attached to him, but Leng Ye still shouted Leng. All the "beauty" can do is probably to hug Leng Ye even tighter.

Leng Ye's hand was pressed by the "beauty"'s chest and he couldn't move. He pretended to be trembling and took the opportunity to touch the "beauty", but his palm was on his body, so he could only feel the softness of the beauty with the back of his hand. chest.

"No mask!" Leng Ye said happily.In fact, there is no cover to sell in the game, a small vest that is close-fitting is considered underwear.

Under Leng Ye's restless movements, after a while, he felt that the "beauty"'s chest was a little hard and stiff.

The "beauty" exhales fragrance from time to time, fascinated by Leng Ye.

"How could this be? No, no..." The beauty muttered in a low voice and was about to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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