Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 282 Falling into South Korea

Chapter 282: Fallen in South Korea (1) ([-])
Leng Ye took the soup bowl from the hand of the "beauty", and said, "Like, really like! It looks like it, and its body looks like it, it's exactly the same!"

When Leng Ye finished drinking and handed the soup bowl back to the "beauty", the "beauty" asked, "What does it look like?"

"I said you really look like Choo Ja Hyun!" Leng Ye said unabashedly.Leng Ye's dream lover is a Korean actress N years ago (if you don't know Choo Ja Hyun, you can take a look at the cover of this book, hehe).

"Huh!" "Beauty" looked angry.

"Are you jealous? If she lived to this day, she would be more than [-] years old. Oh! By the way, I haven't asked your name yet." Leng Ye asked.

"Qiu Zimei! It's the same as her real name in the game." "Beauty" said.

"Then Choo Ja Hyun is your relative!" Leng Ye asked.

"Hmph! Say it again. I have nothing to do with her." Qiu Zimei said.

"I was so gentle just now, I didn't expect that my temper is not small." Leng Ye spoke in a low voice, but Qiu Zimei still heard it.

"I'm sorry, Brother Leng. Is Choo Ja Hyun pretty?" Leng Ye asked.

"Yes." Leng Ye replied immediately.

"What about Zimei?" Qiu Zimei said.

"That's pretty!" Leng Ye replied with a smile.

"Hmph! I gave you tofu for nothing." Zimei cleaned up the dishes and began to comb her hair.

"Why do you want to make tofu for me? Fried or stewed?" Leng Ye pretended to be confused.

"It's frozen!" Qiu Zimei said angrily.

When the two were bickering in the room, there was a knock on the door, Qiu Zimei asked a question in a murmur, and there was also a murmur outside.

Afterwards, Choo Ja Hyun said to Leng Ye: "Brother Leng, my eldest brother is hosting a banquet to celebrate your achievements! Get up quickly!"

"Celebration?" Leng Ye's mind turned around quickly, and all he could think of was the scene of the sword that stabbed the golden rooster.

"Get up quickly! The elders of the gang are here, waiting for us!" Choo Ja Hyun urged, listening to her tone, it seemed that she had become Leng Ye's housekeeper.

"Are you going too?" Leng Ye asked.

"Yes!" Qiu Zimei replied.

After hearing Qiu Zimei's answer, Leng Ye quickly packed her clothes and went out of her "boudoir" with Qiu Zimei. Before leaving, she did not forget to kiss her on the face. "Ah!" "Beauty" screamed, and then got up.

(End of this chapter)

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