Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 292 Falling In Korea

Chapter 292 Falling In Korea (1) ([-])

"Baby, is there any high-level place here? The one suitable for our leveling." Leng Ye asked.

"Husband, let's go to Halla Mountain! The monsters there are fierce!" Qiu Zimei replied.

Halla Mountain?When Leng Ye heard the name of the mountain, he searched his brain desperately. Relying on his geographical knowledge, the detailed information of Halla Mountain soon appeared in his mind.

Halla Mountain is one of the three famous mountains in Korea.At an altitude of [-] meters, it is the highest mountain in Korea and can be seen anywhere in Jeju Island.Depending on the angle you look at, the mountain looks different, and the color of the mountain changes with the seasons. It is a mysterious mountain.

Hallasan means "the mountain that can take down the Milky Way". On the top of the mountain is a volcanic lake with a diameter of [-] meters, Bailutan, which was formed by a volcanic eruption about [-] years ago. There are more than [-] small volcanoes formed by volcanic eruptions around it.

Bailutan is located at the top of Halla Mountain, with a length of [-]m and a circumference of [-]km. There used to be a beautiful legend here: It is said that the gods of Halla Mountain were discovered by the Jade Emperor when they were peeping at the fairies bathing. It is called Bailutan.

The snow on the top of Halla Mountain does not melt until early summer, and its unique scenery is not found in other places.Climb to the crater, turn around the port (about [-] kilometers), and you can have a panoramic view of the whole island of Jeju, just like going around the island along the coast road.

Climbing Halla Mountain, you can experience warm, hot, cool, and cold at the same time. It is said that there are four seasons in one day: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.Here is also a paradise of endangered rare plants. Different plants grow at different heights. There are more than [-] kinds of rare plants that only exist in Jeju Island, such as Jeju Hanlan, Zhupeng, and Hanna Pine Ear Grass.Walking through the dense woods and stone steps, from [-] meters above sea level to the top of the mountain is an alpine grassland, where wild flowers are blooming and deer are playing.At present, due to ecological damage and damage, as of February [-], climbing to the top of Halla Mountain has been completely controlled.The mountains are high and foggy, and it is easy to get lost, so be sure to follow the designated hiking trails.

Leng Ye's mind filtered all these things about Halla Mountain, and couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect to climb Halla Mountain for the first time in a game. But this is also good, I can get familiar with the environment."

The destination is set, Leng Ye asks Qiu Zimei to take the four-winged flying tiger back to the pet space, and tells the tiger to fly.

After the Flying Tiger with Four Wings was taken back, Xiaobai had an unhappy expression on his face, and his speed was much slower.Fortunately, with the reminder of the golden-winged roc, Leng Ye tempted him with "the time when the four-winged flying tiger reappears in the sky when he reaches the top of Halla Mountain", so Xiaobai regained his vitality and flew towards the direction of Halla Mountain .

Looking down from a high altitude, Halla Mountain is almost exactly the same as in Leng Ye's mind, every flower, grass, tree and tree are so real.Leng Ye let Xiaobai descend on the edge of Bailutan.

"Husband, this is my first time here! It's so beautiful!" Qiu Zimei said happily as soon as she reached the top of Halla Mountain.

"It's so-so, I'll take you to visit Mount Sumeru in the future, that's the beauty!" said Leng Ye.

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Zimei said happily.

"Baby, why are there no strange things on this mountain?" Leng Ye asked.

"It shouldn't be! The monsters at the bottom of the mountain are very powerful. I have been to the middle of the mountain once, and there are monsters of more than [-] levels there." Qiu Zimei said.

Leng Ye knew that almost all the mountains had higher levels of monsters as they climbed up, so he thought: "Not good! Halfway up the mountain has reached level [-], and on the top of the mountain..."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye immediately said: "Honey, go up, let's go."

Qiu Zimei didn't speak, and climbed directly onto Xiaobai.Just as she climbed onto Xiaobai's back, it suddenly rained fire, and then her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

When Qiu Zimei woke up, she was already at the resurrection point of the Elf Gang.

Qiu Zimei looked around, there was no Leng Ye, and cried: "I... I knew the oath was very effective, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" A passing female archer asked Qiu Zimei when she saw her crying.

"I was killed by the White Deer God, woo woo woo husband is gone too... woo woo woo..." Qiu Zimei cried.

"White Deer God? Which gang is it? I'll take someone to kill her. Don't cry, miss. I'll help you back to your room." The female archer said.

"'s not...the''s Halla Mountain, the monster on the mountain." Qiu Zimei got up from the ground and hurriedly called Leng Ye.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye is not in the service area.

Qiu Zimei cried even louder, and murmured, "Old...husband...he is dead, he has returned to...the country, don't...don't want Zimei again...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Miss, no, Lord Leng likes you so much, why would he not want you! He will come back to pick you up soon." The female archer said while supporting Qiu Zimei.

"Level [-]... I can't... I can't go to find... my husband... woo woo woo..." Qiu Zimei cried, but she still didn't forget to check her level.

In the end, it was the female archer who called Qiu Dongliang and carried Qiu Zimei back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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