Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 294 The "Yangmou" of the down-and-out son

Chapter 294 The "Yangmou" of the down-and-out son (2)
People tend to talk a lot when they get old, of course Leng Ye knows this, when Grandma Liu next door to his house was still alive, she would chatter from morning to night, and she would have to drink more than three thermos bottles just for hot water.Leng Ye was not in the mood to listen to these things at the moment, he just wanted to know if someone had come to make trouble in Sword Demon City, and he didn't think much about it when he was flustered for a while, he just hoped that the so-called Fourth Uncle Li would tell him as soon as possible.

So Leng Ye said: "Tie Jian is my good buddy, of course I have to call you Fourth Uncle. Fourth Uncle, what's going on outside, the gongs and drums are blaring, did someone come to make trouble in Sword Demon City?"

"Yes, boss. I heard that some gangsters, such as green dragons, birds, and tigers, came to attack us. I heard from them that if they take down Sword Demon City, I, an old man, will lose my job again..." Li Si said again Endless chatter up.

"Baby, gangs from the other three main cities in China are here to attack our Sword Demon City, let's go help!" Leng Ye immediately thought that the dragons and birds in Li Si's mouth should be Qinglong, Suzaku and White Tiger , said to Qiu Zimei immediately.

Qiu Zimei couldn't help nodding her head, and said, "Honey, Zimei listens to you."

Leng Ye took Qiu Zimei to the south gate of Sword Demon City, calling Shuang'er while walking.Soon, Shuang'er's voice came from the pager: "Husband, have you returned from a mission in a different dimension?"

"Let's not talk about this yet, is the fight started?" Leng Ye asked anxiously.

"Yes, the three major gangs of Qinglong City, the two major gangs of Baihu City and the two major gangs of Suzaku City have all come, and the other gangs in the main city are also holding a wait-and-see attitude. Fortunately, we have seven-color crystals, and the two sides are evenly matched " Shuang'er said.

"What? The seven major gangs are evenly matched with Sword Demon City? Is there any mistake, how many are there?" Leng Ye asked.

"Twenty thousand more than us." Shuang'er replied briskly.

"What? Those seven gangs should all have set up residences, right? Why are they [-] more than us? How many people are there in total?" Leng Ye asked in disbelief.

"Less than [-]!" Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye was taken aback when he heard this number, because he clearly remembered that the Sword Demon God Palace is not a gang above level A and cannot recruit unlimited people, so he asked, "Shuang'er, what level is Sword Demon City now?" In a gang?"

"Husband, are you fascinated by some NPC little fox in a different dimension? You still ask me such a mentally retarded question. You are the leader, so you can see for yourself." Shuang'er said with a little disdain.

"It's so easy to say, don't you need me to help?" Leng Yeming only consulted.If Sword Demon City was at a critical moment of life and death, Shuang'er would probably be the first to cry.

"Why don't you need it! Come here to boost morale, I can't hold on here anymore." Shuang'er said suddenly.

"Yes, it's the south gate, come quickly." After finishing speaking, Shuang'er turned off the beeper, and it seemed that the situation was really urgent.

Leng Ye hurriedly called out Xiaobai, hugged Qiu Zimei up, and directed Xiaobai to fly to the south gate...

(End of this chapter)

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