Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 298 Level 1 Person

Chapter 298 Level No.1 (2)
magic [-]

Reputation [-]

Speed ​​[-]
Perception [-]

Prestige: [-]
Hidden attributes: unknown
Special Note: You can freely cross national borders.

Skill: Dugu Nine Swords
(It is divided into nine forms. The first form: Breaking the Sword, requires comprehension [-], prestige [-], there is no move to win, there is a move, increase the speed of the shot and the key attack, and the power is related to the magic.

The second style: Breaking the knife, requires savvy [-], prestige [-], use lightness to resist heavy, use fast to control slow, crack all kinds of sword techniques, power is related to magic.

The third formula: the magic-breaking formula, which requires savvy [-] and prestige [-]. Use the sword to control demons, resist magic attacks and break magic defenses. Power is related to magic.

The fourth style: Breaking the Spear, requires comprehension [-], reputation [-], the subtlety of swordsmanship lies in the method of breaking the long blade, the power is related to the magic nature.

The fifth form: Breaking the Whip Form requires savvy [-] and reputation [-]. The subtlety of swordsmanship lies in the method of breaking short weapons, and its power is related to magic.

The sixth form: the broken sword form, requires comprehension [-], prestige [-], breaks all kinds of hidden weapons, the power is related to the magic nature.

The seventh style: breaking the rope style, requires understanding [-], prestige [-], the subtlety of swordsmanship lies in the method of breaking soft weapons, the power is related to the magic nature.

Eighth style: Broken palm style, requires comprehension [-], prestige [-], the subtlety of swordsmanship lies in breaking all kinds of fist and foot kung fu, power is related to magic nature

Ninth Form: Infinite power, temporarily unusable. )
Skill: Both Good and Evil (The attribute is unknown and cannot be used temporarily.)
Six Stars Around the Sun (Combined skill, usable times [-], must be used together with teammates Frost, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn. It is extremely powerful, limited to level [-]. There is no limit to the level of the wedding ring.)
Big Dipper Array (Combined skill, can be used [-] times, must be used with teammates Hanshuanger, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn. It is extremely powerful, limited to level [-]. There is no limit to the level of the wedding ring.)
North Pole Big Dipper Formation (combined skills, extremely powerful, limited to level [-])
Whirling Sword: Self-created sword technique, which combines the essence of Breaking Sword Style and Losing Step, and can instantly strike multiple enemies around you. The attack is related to the power of Breaking Sword Style.Basic, upgradeable.


Lazy Sword: Attack [-]-[-], [-] (percentage) chance of [-] times damage, [-] (thousandth) chance of [-] (percentage) damage, with skill [-]: Summon a little sun (summon a little sun to Restore the life of the sword user and teammates, and cause fatal damage to ice enemies.); Additional skill [-]: Summon the Loch Ness Monster (summon the mythical Loch Ness monster); Additional skill [-]: Summon ice silkworms (summon the mythical ice silkworms).The blood-extracting sword cannot be dropped, worn out, or stolen.

Ice scabbard: special item, reward item, unknown attribute, cannot drop, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen.

(End of this chapter)

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