Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 309 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 309 Dealing with the King of Hearts (1) ([-])
Other countries also had different reactions when they heard the system announcement. Although they were not as flustered as Japan, they still caused a sensation. People over level [-]!Everyone is paying more attention to his trip to Japan.

Let's look at the cold night at this time.His eyes lit up, and he actually appeared on the top of a mountain.Leng Ye quickly summoned Xiao Bai and rode on.Xiao Bai flew into the air, and Leng Ye carefully looked at everything under his feet.

The positioning coordinates on the small map show that Leng Ye is now at Mount Fuji in Japan.The last time he crossed the heavenly tribulation, he used the ring of space to teleport here randomly, but he was in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery here.At that time, a small catastrophe killed [-] million Japanese players on this mountain. It is a bit scary to think about it now.

Mount Fuji is the highest peak in Japan. It is located in the south-central part of Honshu Island, across Shizuoka and Yamanashi counties, and is about [-] kilometers east of Tokyo. It is a part of Fuji Hakone Izu Park.Mount Fuji is [-] meters above sea level, with a circumference of [-] kilometers at the bottom of the mountain. The mountain is conical, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round.

Mount Fuji is the largest active volcano in the world.

Japan's highest mountain, [-] meters above sea level, is located in the middle of Honshu Island, within the boundaries of Yamanashi and Shizuoka counties, close to the Pacific coast, about [-] kilometers southwest of Tokyo.It is a volcano that has been dormant since its last eruption in [-], but geologists still classify it as an active volcano.The name Fuji comes from the Ainu language, meaning "eternal life".The beautiful conical shape of the mountain is world-renowned as a sacred symbol of Japan.

Legend has it that Mount Fuji was created by an earthquake in [-] BC, but the actual situation is more complicated.The geological age of Mt. Fuji is controversial, but it seems to be a Quaternary construction on the basis of Tertiary strata.The earliest eruptions and formation of the first mountains may have occurred [-] years ago.Although Mount Fuji looks like a single-cone volcano, it is actually three separate volcanoes: Komitake, Kofuji and Shinfuji.Among them, the youngest Shinfuji erupted for the first time about [-] years ago, and then continued to smoke or erupt occasionally.For thousands of years, lava and other overflow rocks from Shinfuji covered the two old volcanic peaks, expanded the slopes to their present extent, and formed the mountain into its current cone shape.

(End of this chapter)

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