Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 321 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 321 Dealing with the King of Hearts (2) ([-])
Tojo Yin Ji said: "The artifact was applied by Hattori Hanzo, so he should be the one who should be punished. The strength of Ruby is the first in the whole Japan, which is directly related to their strict gang rules. They respect Bushido Spirituality, meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished. It is estimated that Hattori Hanzo will have a caesarean section this time."

"Stomach cut?" It was the first time Leng Ye heard such words in the game.

"En! This is something unique to the Japanese region. After the caesarean section, the character will be deleted immediately, and all his property during his lifetime will be dropped at the site of the caesarean section. Of course, after the caesarean section, he can still rebuild the character, and his occupation and name can be changed." Dong Tiao Yinji explained.

"Then...then if you violate the gang rules, are you going to have a caesarean section?" Leng Ye asked with a smile.

"Stomach section? That's a stupid Japanese practice, and I'm not Japanese, so why do I have to have a section section! Are you expecting me to die early!" Tojo Yin Ji said angrily.

"I didn't mean that." Leng Ye hurriedly argued.

"If you expect me to die early, then kill me!" Tojo Yin Ji said.

"How could I be willing to do it!" Leng Ye said, his desire gradually became lustful, and he couldn't help touching Tojo Yinji's face with his hands.

Tojo Yin Ji's face immediately turned red, and she stepped back quickly, saying, "What are you doing! Be careful, I'll appeal to you!"

Leng Ye realized her gaffe, and hurriedly said: "Miss Tojo Yinji, please forgive me for your unintentional act!" But I heard Tojo Yinji say: "I heard that you are very romantic, but I didn't believe it at first, especially when I saw you just now. Your formidable strength, seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation."

"I don't call it romantic. Although I have many wives, I am sincere to each of them. That's called love..." Leng Ye defended himself.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Leng Ye and Tojo Yin Ji argued about this issue for more than two hours, and the sky darkened before they knew it.

There is always a banquet in the world, Leng Ye said: "Okay! I'll find a hotel to rest for a while, you go back! If anyone sees you, they will regard you as a traitor."

Dong Tiao Yin Ji pouted and said, "I was not with them in the first place, how can I say that I am a traitor! Besides, you promised me to take me back to China as soon as possible, so don't be mean."

Leng Ye suddenly realized, he didn't expect that he would take Tojo Yin Ji seriously when he said casually, but he couldn't refuse, saying: "A man keeps his word, but..."

Dong Tiao Yin Ji saw that Leng Ye was a bit embarrassed, and said: "It's fine if you don't want to, there are so many."

Leng Ye said: "You also know that you are the first-level master in Japan, and everyone in China knows this. If I just take you back like this, what will they think of me and what will they do to you?"

Tojo Yinji understood Leng Ye's meaning and said, "Don't cross! I'm talking about you taking me back to live in China in real life, and you don't have to worry about it in the game."

Sweating in a cold night~~~, said: "The Chinese people's hatred of Japan is still serious, so let others know that I have a Japanese woman at home, and she is the first-level master in the Japanese area in the game. How to mess up? All the wisdom of the world is wiped out!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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