Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 324 Dealing with the King of Hearts

Chapter 324 Dealing with the King of Hearts (2) ([-])
Tojo Yin Ji said: "Why bother so much! Is it okay or not!"

"For the sake of the artifact, I will sacrifice myself." Leng Ye wanted to leave, but Tojo Yin Ji stopped him and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go to bed! Do you want to go together!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Pervert!" Dongtiao Yinji said so, but caught up with Leng Ye and walked side by side with him.

In order not to be too exposed, Leng Ye withdrew Xiaobai and Lazy Sword's summoning objects, and walked towards a nearby system town.

When approaching the small town, Leng Ye saw players appearing in twos and threes, so he quickly put on the invisibility ring.

"Leng Ye, where are you? Leng Ye, come out!" As soon as Leng Ye disappeared, Tojo Yin Ji called out.

"Don't speak so loudly, you will attract the wolves." Leng Ye said with her mouth close to Tojo Yinji's ear.

They walked into an unremarkable small hotel in a small town, perhaps because this small hotel was too small and unremarkable, and no one came to stay in the hotel.Leng Ye took off her invisibility ring, took out her passport, stepped forward and greeted a short, bearded NPC old man in the hotel: "I want to stay in the hotel!"

"Do you know that you have more than [-] million lives of the Great Japanese Empire in your hands?" said the old NPC.

"[-] million? I seem to have only killed five!" Leng Yexin thought, and then said to the NPC old man: "I want to stay in a hotel, how much is it for one night?"

The NPC old man said: "I should have reported to the authorities to arrest you, a vicious person like you, but I don't know why you have the only international passport in the world. I don't want to disobey the order of Empress Nuwa, If you pay double the rent, I will bear the risk for you."

Leng Ye never thought that he would get such an international pass by his unintentional actions, let alone that this pass could protect him from being wanted by the system. He was overjoyed and asked, "How much is the total?"

The old NPC said: "Tianzihao house is [-] gold coins, and Dizihao house is [-] gold coins."

Leng Yekuang fainted~~~ I thought that the old NPC would ask for a lot of money, so I paid [-] gold coins immediately, and led by the old NPC to the Tianzihao room, Tojo Yinji also followed.

You get what you pay for, and the hotel conditions for [-] gold coins a night are poor.Not to mention the darkness and humidity, there was nothing but a double bed, and Leng Ye lamented that it was fortunate that he didn't live in a room with a local name that cost [-] gold coins.

"There are no people living here! Let's change to another one!" Tojo Yin Ji said as soon as the old NPC left.

"Us? This is what I want. I'm a wanted criminal in Japan, so hurry up!" Leng Ye pretended to be calm.Seeing that Dong Tiao Yin Ji didn't leave, Leng Ye said again: "Do you feel sorry for the ice jade crossbow, just give it back to you." After finishing speaking, Leng Ye took out the ice jade crossbow from the ring of space, and handed it over again. Back to Tojo Yin Ji.

"How can a rich man like you sleep in such a place, get out quickly! I'm going to bed, and I have to go back to my country tomorrow!" Leng Ye said to Tojo Yin Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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