Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 365: In Danger

Chapter 365 I'm in a Dangerous Situation (1) ([-])
After all the people went in, the surroundings of Leng Ye's house were very quiet, so quiet that it was frightening. At this time, there was not even a car passing by.

"Master Hong, a total of [-] people went in... Oh yes, all of them went in and didn't come out... Okay, okay... I've been waiting for them to come out." A person in a hotel room in S City was talking to the phone, As soon as he hung up the phone, he found two guns pointed at him...

Not only this room, but also this hotel, after nine o'clock, all the hotels and shops in S City put up signs saying they were closed, and closed early.

"Young man, you did a good job this time. I didn't misunderstand the person. When I report to the government, I will definitely reward you a lot!" A kind old man with gold-rimmed glasses said to a rather handsome young man.

"Deputy Director Liang, you are too old to be rewarded. Serving the country is the duty of every Chinese son and daughter. I just did what I should do. I dare not expect any rewards." The young man said.

The kindly old man smiled, patted the young man on the shoulder, and said, "You must be rewarded for your meritorious deeds, and you must be punished for your demerits. This is a major principle of our country. You really don't want any rewards."

The young man pondered for a while, then said: "I have a friend whose daughter was taken away by the Shenwu family of Japan. In fact, their target is me. I implore the government to rescue her safely."

"That friend of yours is from the Dark Forest, right?" the kind old man asked.

"Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the government, hehe!" The young man said bluntly.

"As far as I know, you don't seem to have anything to do with them!" the kind old man said again.

"That's right!" replied the young man.

"They even sent someone to kill you."


"But why do you still help them?" asked the kind old man.

"Because they are human beings, they are Chinese, and they have a life. I think there is nothing more important than human life in this world. People make mistakes, and sometimes they really can't help themselves. Isn't the government setting up prisons just to give Is there a chance for people to repent and rehabilitate?" said the young man.

The kind old man laughed loudly and said, "Young man, well done! Indeed, there is nothing more important than human life in this world. I agreed to your request on behalf of the government. But, young man, when you should be kind, you should be kind." When you are cruel, you still have to be cruel. For example, a person like Black Rose should be killed, but you let her go. "

The young man said: "I am a good citizen who abides by the law and will never kill anyone. Whether she deserves to die is not up to me. It should be handled by the government. She should still be in Quancheng Hospital now!"

The kind old man nodded and said, "Can you show me your Qiankun dagger?"

The young man smiled and said, "Mr. Liang is very knowledgeable. He even knows this. I really admire, admire... Please look." The young man said and handed a dull dagger to the kind old man .

(End of this chapter)

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