Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 379 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 379 A Trip to Africa (2) ([-])
Along the way, Leng Ye found that Frost Rose's residential construction was impressive. Although it was still a C-level, it was "small but well-equipped".However, Leng Ye feels that this place seems familiar, and there is a faint shadow of the sword demon palace in the past.

Leng Ye's trip was a joint arrangement of the Lost Young Master, Jin Dao and others. Leng Ye knew that Frost Rose was kind to the Sword Demon God Palace, but his definition of the relationship between himself and the Ice Witch was "everything is still there." It depends on fate."I don't know what benefits the Ice Witch has given them, even Xuemei, Shuang'er and others are saying good things for the Ice Witch, which makes Leng Ye very puzzled.

As soon as he saw the Ice Witch, Leng Ye smiled and said: "The Master of the Ice Sect is really powerful. It looks like the Frost Rose is ten times more beautiful than the Sword Demon Palace. Admire! Admire!"

The Ice Witch's heart is very complicated. After listening to Leng Ye's words, she hurriedly said: "Leng... The Lord Leng is too polite. How can the little gang compare with the Sword Demon Palace? The current achievements are not all due to the Leng Leader and the Sword Demon Palace care!"

Leng Ye thought: "When did I take care of you? Could it be Shuang'er and Big Brother?" Leng Ye really couldn't figure out why even Jin Dao and the others wanted to "force her into prostitution" (Are you "good"? Leng Yekuang Khan!), smiled, and said, "Should the Lord Bing let me sit down? Am I not welcome?"

The Ice Witch panicked, and hurriedly said: "Master Leng, please sit down quickly, please sit down quickly." Saying this, she gave Leng Ye the seat on the right.

Leng Ye always felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Master Bing, let me just say it straight, I'm here to collect donations..."

After Leng Ye finished speaking, the Ice Witch was a little disappointed, her face was gloomy, and she said, "This is a kind act by Master Leng. I will notify the brothers and sisters in the gang in a while. I also want to ask, will Master Leng go alone this time?"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "I originally wanted to go alone, but several elders in the gang also said that this is a good thing, it is best to make the scene bigger, so that people all over the world We all realized that Africa was hit by a disaster, and we could use games to provide disaster relief. Therefore, we finally decided to take Shuang’er and the others there.”

The Ice Witch said with a smile: "Then you will be very successful and become ambassadors for disaster relief."

Hearing the word "ambassador", Leng Ye felt very proud.Now that the purpose of coming has been made clear, Leng Ye knew that it was time to go back, and said to the Ice Witch: "Master Ice, I will leave in three days, please send the relief items to Sword Demon City, I will thank you in advance for the people in the disaster area. I still have something important to do, so I will take my leave.”

Seeing that Leng Ye was about to leave, the Ice Witch hurriedly said, "Don't you want to have a light meal here?"

Leng Ye said: "Thank you for the kindness of the Bing Gang! But the affairs of the gang are tricky, so I won't bother you today, and I will definitely come to try the craftsmanship of the Bing Gang the next day." As soon as these words came out, Leng Ye couldn't help but want to slap himself twice It's no big deal, why do you insist on trying the craft of the Ice Witch!Not to mention whether the other party can cook, even if they can, they may not be willing to cook for themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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