Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 382 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 382 A Trip to Africa (2) ([-])
Leng Ye clearly remembered that the Ice Witch is now level [-]. If it is true as they said, how much time will the Ice Witch have to upgrade?Not everyone is as lucky as he is.So he asked: "It's good that your gang leader is obsessed with cooking, but where does she find the time to upgrade and manage the gang?" Leng Ye tilted her head while talking, pretending to be drunk. look.

"Sister Hongye, Lord Leng is not drunk yet! You speak logically, okay?" It was a yew woman who spoke, her voice was very small, but it still did not escape Leng Ye's keen ears.

"Hey~ I'm drunk, I can't do it anymore, I made a slip of the tongue after drinking, and I forgot that Chief Leng can forgive... Chief Leng, let me tell you a secret, Chief Her... She practiced cooking all for you, Chief Leng... "The Sequoia woman said.It seems that she really drank too much, and said that she ended up lying on the table.

The two girls sent the Sequoia woman away, and the woman in the yellow shirt said to Leng Ye: "Master Leng, Sister Hongye drank too much, I'm really sorry, I apologize to you on her behalf." Leng Ye hurriedly said: "This sister You're too polite, there are still important matters in the gang, please... invite your gang leaders over!"

The Ice Witch walked over, with a shy face, and asked as soon as she sat down: "Master Leng, are you satisfied with today's food and drink?" Leng Ye hurriedly said: "This is the best meal I have ever eaten in my life. Thank you, Lord Ice."

The ice witch replied shyly, overjoyed, and said, "Since it's delicious, eat more." Leng Ye smiled and picked up two more chopsticks, chewing them with relish, wiped her mouth after eating, and said, "Ice is delicious." Guild Leader, there are still important matters in the Guild, I have to go back. I will host a banquet to welcome the Bing Guild Leader to the Sword Demon God Palace some other day, so I must give you face."

The Ice Witch smiled and said: "Definitely, definitely." After Leng Ye walked out of Frost Rose's residence, she realized that Leng Ye hadn't agreed to her trip to Africa yet!
As soon as she returned to the Sword Demon Palace, Shuang'er asked with a smile: "Is the food made by Sister Bing delicious?" Only then did Ye realize that this is the information age.

"Honey, let's go to the Sword Demon Building!" Shuang'er said with a smile.

"Are you all right?"

"Marshal Jin has already contacted you about the matter in Africa. My son and sister Xue'er are busy with the 'relief supplies'. We don't need it. Let's go!"

As soon as he arrived at the Sword Demon Building, Leng Ye carried Shuang'er to the bed.Just about to take off her clothes, Shuang'er stood up and said, "Honey, even if you have nothing to do, you don't have to do it all day long! Scoundrel."

Hearing Shuang'er's words, Leng Ye said aggrievedly: "Didn't you ask me to come here? I thought you wanted to..."

"I miss your size!" Shuang'er said and kicked Leng Ye.

After a while, the bedroom door opened, the quintuplet sisters came in, and so did Qiu Zimei.

"Husband" "Husband"..."Husband" the girls shouted enthusiastically.

Seeing the girls, Leng Ye immediately said lustfully, "Oh! I understand, you guys want to come together, don't you?" As soon as these words came out, Leng Ye was immediately punched and kicked by Seven Girls.What makes Leng Ye wonder is that Qiu Zimei, who has always been obedient, has been assimilated by them, and she sighs her life.

(End of this chapter)

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