Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 400 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 400 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Leng Ye sat on the ice layer and held his lazy sword high. He was about to say something when he suddenly stopped and said to Shuang'er: "The thousand-year-old ice can freeze even holy beasts to death. It must be the most yin and cold thing. We Bring some back to the country, maybe it will be of great use in the future."

Shuang'er laughed loudly when she heard Leng Ye's words, and said, "Silly old man, this place is near the equator, even though it is summer in the northern hemisphere, maybe these so-called 'thousand-year ice' will melt as soon as they leave Wuhulu Peak... Haha Haha, I laughed to death."

Leng Ye said: "Don't you think that many things are strange since the game starts automatically? Everything can happen. By the way, Shuang'er, I'll take a big piece of it and let you keep it."

"Me?" Shuang'er shook her head and said, "Why?"

Leng Ye explained: "If you think about it, Xiaobai can be frozen to death, and you and Ice Phoenix are fine, which means that your 'temperature' is not much lower than the Millennium Ice. If it is kept by the fans, the Millennium Ice The ice probably won't melt."

Shuang'er said disdainfully: "Cut~~~ My heart is hot when you touch me, and your hands are also hot..."

Leng Ye said: "This may be the intention of the system, otherwise why are you not cold!"

Shuang'er was speechless, as long as she agreed.

Holding the lazy sword upside down with both hands, Leng Ye used all his strength to stab at the thousand-year-old ice. "Dang——" Following the ear-piercing sound, Leng Ye felt his hands go numb and hurt from the shock.Looking at the ice again, it was completely intact.

Exclaimed: "How could this be?"

Shuang'er smiled and said, "Husband, did you cause you not to eat?"

Leng Ye remembered that he had indeed exerted enough strength just now, and with this sword strike, even the strongest shield might be pierced, "What kind of ice is this? Why is it so hard?" Leng Ye was puzzled.

Leng Ye tried two more times, but still couldn't pierce the millennium ice, and shook his head in disappointment.

"Honey, is this the method you said?" Shuang'er asked.

"The tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat! Damn Millennium Ice, I want you to know how powerful I am Leng Ye. Call the little sun—" Leng Ye shouted angrily.At this time, he held his lazy sword high and stood firmly on the ice, with the smell of a god of war.

"Husband, isn't Little Sun a priest who knows magic? Can it be effective?" Shuang'er asked with unbelievable eyes.

"Haha! Shuang'er, despite his small size, he can achieve the effect of killing ice monsters with one blow." Leng Ye said proudly.

Look at the little sun again, as soon as it comes out, it dances in the air alive and well, as if it has no hostility towards the millennium ice, let alone melting the ice.

Leng Ye said angrily: "TMD, why do you keep making me look like a fool in front of Shuang'er today? Little Sun, you melted the thousand-year-old ice!!"

After all, the little sun was Leng Ye's summoner, so he was quite obedient. After listening to Leng Ye's words, it began to emit a series of dazzling and strong rays of light, shooting towards the ice surface.

(End of this chapter)

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