Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 409 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 409 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Not only has the ice phoenix become bigger, but even the ice silkworm has grown in size, vaguely resembling the former ice temple.

"Shen Diao, is the ice silkworm about to break the seal?" Leng Ye asked happily.

Gold-winged roc said: "Boss, don't dream, the summoned object will never have its own thinking, even if she has the strength of the past, she will not be able to speak."

Leng Ye was a little disappointed after hearing what the golden-winged roc had said.

"It's melted, it's melted..." The girls in the air cheered and shouted, obviously very excited.

Leng Ye looked at his feet, sure enough, half of his feet had sunk into the ice layer, and he was still descending slowly.

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Shuang'er, you go up first, the ice will melt in a while and we will both drown."

Shuang'er smiled and said, "No way! I was a swimming champion when I was in school." Although she said so, she didn't want to dirty her clothes, so she hurriedly called "Xiaobing".But looking at Xiaobing's huge body, it is very difficult for her to climb up.

The icy water quickly submerged the waists of the two, and Shuang'er shouted: "Sister Xue'er, help!" She grabbed Xue'er's mount—the four-winged flying tiger by the tail, flew up, and landed on Venus on the back of a four-winged flying tiger.Holding Jin Xing's back tightly, Shuang'er shouted in shock: "Exciting, it's so exciting!"

When the women were about to go down to drag Leng Ye again, they found that the sky above Wuhulu Peak was full of fog, and there was no sign of Leng Ye.

Looking at Leng Ye again, just after Shuang'er went up, he felt that the icy water suddenly became much hotter. Soon, the icy water had already covered his neck, leaving only his head and two hands outside.The ice water was getting hotter and hotter, but Leng Ye found that the ice did not continue to melt, and he did not sink any further.The surroundings were steaming hot, he wanted to call for help to the girls, but he was afraid that they would be in danger.

"What should I do? What should I do? Don't panic, Leng Ye, Leng Ye, please calm down." Leng Ye comforted himself.Suddenly, the pastor's words echoed in his mind: "Use yin to control yin, and use yang to control yang."

"The ice phoenix, the ice silkworm, and the ice scabbard are the most yin and cold things. After absorbing the cold air of the ice, the ice melts, so it is time to use the most yang thing? Hehe!" Leng Ye shouted with a smile One voice: "Summon the little sun!"

As soon as the little sun came out, the fog on the top of Uhuru quickly disappeared.The girls saw Leng Ye and hurriedly said, "Honey, I'll rescue you."

Leng Ye was afraid that the girls would be in danger, so he had an idea, and hurriedly said: "I'm fine! You must not come here, or the mission will fail." The girls dubiously believed Leng Ye's words, but they didn't move forward.

Suddenly, Leng Ye's body plummeted, and soon touched a hard object, causing severe pain.Then I heard the system prompt again.

System prompt: The player fell to death in the cold night, and He Shibi will bring you back to life.

Leng Ye opened his eyes and saw that the ice scabbard was lying safely in front of him.Surrounded by cliffs, if it weren't for the little sun lingering around him, I'm afraid the surroundings would be pitch black.

Leng Ye was overjoyed, because he knew that the ice had completely melted.

After recovering, Leng Ye slowly realized the purpose of coming here, looked around, the walls were smooth, not to mention Uhuru monster and Tashisi, not even a ghost.

Leng Ye sighed: "I should have known that the SSS-level mission would not be completed so easily, but I should have left some clues." He stood up and groped the surrounding cliffs for a long time, but he didn't find any clues. He knew that this trip was in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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