Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 420 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 420 A Trip to Africa (23) (1)
Leng Ye asked: "Daisy, do you know where the boss on the sixth floor is? About how many levels?"

Dai Lisi replied: "Mr. Leng Ye, if you go to the sixth floor, you have to kill the boss on the fifth floor. You have to kill the boss on the sixth floor when you go to the seventh floor. Let me show you the boss on the fifth floor!"

Leng Ye nodded.Under the leadership of Dai Lisi, several people quickly found the boss Pirate Seven on the fifth floor.According to Dai Lisi, Pirate Seven's level is around [-]. He is an ice mage and can use a lot of ice magic. He is a very powerful character.

Leng Ye said to the girls: "Wait, I'll kill him." Then he walked towards Pirate Seven with his lazy sword.As soon as Leng Ye approached Pirate Seven, Pirate Seven immediately released a large-scale ice magic, overwhelming like Leng Ye.

Leng Ye shouted: "Breaking Magic Style!" The lazy sword in his hand spun quickly in the air, and instantly turned into a round shield, blocking Pirate Seven's magic.The next moment, the round shield disappeared, and the lazy sword reappeared. It seemed to be a lot longer suddenly. There was still fire around the lazy sword, and it stabbed Pirate Seven's throat.Lazy Sword's attack ranges from [-] to [-]. Although Leng Ye's own attack is unknown, even with the magic-breaking formula, it will not reach such a terrifying number. Leng Ye knows that the chance of [-] (thousandth sign) on Lazy Sword has appeared. All of a sudden, it caused [-] times damage to Pirate Seven.

Look at the girls again, they look happy, Leng Ye is their pride.And Dai Lisi's mouth became a big O shape, and after a while, she hurriedly said: "It's too scary, it's too scary!"

Pirate [-] broke out a black staff, which is a level [-] equipment, just suitable for the black girl Dai Lisi, and Leng Ye gave it to her directly to thank her for her enthusiastic helper.Holding the staff, Dai Lisi happily gave Leng Ye a warm hug.Looking around again, it was crowded with black men and women who were leveling nearby, chattering and not forgetting to give Leng Ye a thumbs up.

Dai Lisi translated to Leng Ye: "They all call you the God of War and regard you as their own target. At the same time, it increases their confidence in playing games to make money."

After killing Pirate Seven, Leng Ye and the girls successfully entered the sixth floor of the ship's tower.A few of the high-level black friends who practiced on the fifth floor also followed up. Anyway, there is a cold night, and no one can die.Here are all monsters of [-]-[-] and above. Leng Ye, who is more than level [-], has one sword. Except for the six priests, the other four women's attacks are also good. Few monsters can withstand three blows from them. Everywhere, dead bodies littered the field.Leng Ye and the others were too high level than the monsters, and basically had no experience, but the girls didn't waste it, and directly summoned their mounts.The four-winged flying tiger is an eighth-level pet, and they even know how to cooperate when they are more than [-] levels. The nine (except Shuang'er, one for each) four-winged flying tigers are divided into three groups, aiming at a monster that scratches and bites, three or five Even seconds can kill one.

(End of this chapter)

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