Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 426 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 426 A Trip to Africa (25) (2)
It has been said since ancient times: beautiful women love heroes.During the half-day contact with Leng Ye, Dai Lisi was deeply moved by Leng Ye's handsomeness and super strength.Instantly killing the level [-] boss Pirate Seven was something this black girl couldn't even imagine. In her heart, it was something only a god could do. Undoubtedly, Leng Ye became the great god in his mind.So, after hearing that Leng Ye agreed to Shuangju, this open-minded Tanzanian girl also wanted Leng Ye to give herself a chance, so that she would not regret it in the future.

After Dai Lisi uttered such bold words, not only Leng Ye was shocked, but the eyes of the girls were also dull.There was no laughter around, only the sounds of pets, summons and monsters fighting each other.

Leng Ye felt that this black girl also had her cuteness. He admitted that he did not dislike this girl, but this kind of dislike was different from Shuangju's.For Shuang Ju, it was a very familiar dislike, but for Dai Lisi, it was more a kind of gratitude, because she could speak Chinese and helped Leng Ye.Although Leng Ye believes in love at first sight, he resists lightning marriage from the bottom of his heart (except for Qiu Zimei, because her appearance is very similar to Choo Ja Hyun when she was young, and Choo Ja Hyun is Leng Ye's dream lover). In time, Leng Ye would not do this.So he smiled reluctantly, and said: "Daisy, gang wars in China are constantly happening now. I am afraid that someone will accidentally hurt you, and it will hurt the feelings of players in China and Tanzania. You know, this time I am I came here for the friendship of the players from the two districts..."

Dai Lisi interrupted Leng Ye's words and said with a smile: "I know, but thank you anyway! I was too abrupt just now, but I am very satisfied with your performance, not rash at all, mature and steady, no wonder you are by your side There are so many good girls. However, I think you will feel that Dai Lisi also has her very cute side after we get along for a while, and I will not give up. Then let me be your sister first? Leng Brother--"

Leng Ye has vaguely noticed Dai Lisi's cuteness now, but he still has some strange feelings in his heart. If he is not careful, he must take Dai Lisi to the church.However, there are more women in Leng Ye, and he is more responsible for women. He has to consider the feelings of women in every way. He remembers that Shuang'er, Xuemei and the quintuplet sisters didn't have much to do with his romantic affairs. However, they made it clear that he could not contaminate black girls, and Leng Ye had made a promise to them at that time. (Leng Ye: Lazy, how can you write about me like this, how can you slander my good wives? They should be as non-racist as me. Lazy: Hey~~~ No way, book friends don’t like it With that kind of ending, I don’t want to damage your image. I can only shift the responsibility to a few wives. They are all women. Book friends will understand.)
Taking precautions, killing things in the cradle, Leng Ye smiled and said to Dai Lisi: "It happens that I don't have a younger sister, so you can just be my real sister." Leng Ye also deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "pro".After Leng Ye called Dai Lisi her sister, Dai Lisi also smiled happily.

Dai Lisi's problem was solved, Leng Ye and a few girls crushed the scroll of returning to the city together, and the next moment, they appeared in Sword Demon City.

(End of this chapter)

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