Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 435 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 435 A Trip to Africa (Thirty) (3)
Jin Xing said: "But I think we should look for it here. Think about it, Zen Master Fahai has appeared here, and he doesn't leave home. This NPC pharmacist should also appear here."


Several women also expressed their opinions one after another, talking about here and where, making Leng Ye uncertain for a while.It's cool to have more wives!I worry about having too many wives! ! !
The girls were arguing, and Shuang'er suddenly said, "Honey, I don't think we can just make things up."

Leng Ye didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Shuang'er's gourd, so he told the girls to stop, and then asked them to come and listen to Shuang'er's advice.

Shuang'er said: "I think there is something wrong with thirty days. Think about it, isn't thirty days the word for month?"

Everyone suddenly realized, so they added a month to the above words.

Everything is settled, and the group is divided into three groups.Leng Ye and Dai Lisi were in charge of searching Dodoma City and its surroundings in Tanzania; Xuemei returned to the Sword Demon Palace and mobilized gang members to help search; Shuang'er took the other girls to search in the wild in Tanzania.

"Whether you find it or not, I will call you to my side in three days." After Leng Ye said to the girls, everyone dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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