Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 443 Leng Ye's deception

Chapter 443 Leng Ye's deception (1)
When Leng Ye handed over the black and white thousand spirits to Drews at the fourth floor of the ship tower, Drews was tearful, his legs trembling, and he knelt down to Leng Ye.

With Leng Ye's support, Drews stood up slowly and said, "Young Xia Leng, thank you, thank you so much..."

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Helping others is the foundation of happiness. If you really want to repay me, it's fine, tell me Zhaxisi's whereabouts as soon as possible!"

Drews said: "Young Xia Leng, I don't know the whereabouts of Tashisi, but...but..."

Of course Leng Ye knew there was such a possibility, and said, "But what? Say something quickly."

Drews said: "My younger brother Dros has suffered from spirit absorption, can you help me hand over the black and white thousand spirits to him?"

Leng Ye knew that the task was coming, so he couldn't agree to it, and sighed: "Okay! Do you know where your younger brother is? Should I bring some tokens or something, so that he can win my trust and know that I am Is it entrusted by you?"

Drews slowly took out a black "business card"-like thing from his pocket, handed it to Leng Ye, and said, "Give this to him, and he will understand."

After receiving the business card, Leng Ye was full of anger, and secretly cursed: "TMD, I have worked so hard to help you catch a thousand black and white monsters, and I have also gone through untold hardships to help you get black and white thousand spirits, even a hair If you don’t give it, let me help, XXOO your family.”

Leng Ye stopped talking nonsense with Drews, took the "business card" and walked to the fifth floor of the ship block.

The NPC on the fifth floor is Dros.When Leng Ye handed the "business card" to Dross, he was no longer dumb, and said to Leng Ye: "Young Xia Leng, my brother Dross is doing well."

Leng Ye said: "Okay! Very good! There is nothing wrong with it!"

Drews said: "It's a pity that I got a spirit absorption technique, so I can't go to see him. Young Xia Leng, I wonder if my brother has sent a message?"

Leng Ye smiled and said, "Let me think about it... Oh, by the way, your brother asked me to help him find out where Zhaxisi is."

With a startled look on his face, Drews said, "Zashis? I don't know."

Leng Ye said again: "Yes, it's Zhaxisi, a female worker who works in the Donghai Shipyard. Where did you take her? Think about it carefully, this is related to your brother's life. In the church on Mount Kilimanjaro A white pastor in the city arrested your brother and said, if you don’t hand over Zahis, you will kill your brother Drews.”

"Damn Luo Jisi, how dare you take my brother away!" Dross said through gritted teeth, then hurriedly knelt down to Leng Ye, and said, "Young Xia Leng, you must save my brother, you must save me elder brother……"

"The white pastor's name is Luo Jisi?" Leng Ye was overjoyed, and said: "How about this, you hand Zhaxisi to me, and I will plead for you to let him release your brother."

Dross cried: "Young Xia Leng, I really don't know who Zhaxisi is, let alone where she is, how do you ask me to hand it over! Please, please save my brother... Leng Young hero."

(End of this chapter)

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