Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 452 Two-Headed Man

Chapter 452 Two-headed man (1) ([-])
"Hey! Hey! Pretty girl, where is Zhaxisi?" Leng Ye asked tentatively again.The old lady was so absorbed in the picture that she didn't hear Leng Ye's words at all, so she naturally ignored him.

Leng Ye glanced at the camera, and saw that the two people on the screen had just started, and it was estimated that the broadcast would be reversed for a while, and the two people above would probably have put on their clothes.At that time, the old lady lost her passion, and once she regained consciousness, it would be even more difficult to find out Tashisi's whereabouts.

Leng Ye had an idea, blocked the picture, and said to the old lady: "My pretty girl, you tell me Zhaxisi's whereabouts first, and this will be given to you."

The old lady's face turned gloomy immediately, and she said angrily, "If you don't let me finish watching, don't want to know the whereabouts of Zhaxisi." With a very tough attitude, she pushed Leng Ye's big hand away.

Leng Ye was helpless, all he could do was to wait, to wait for a miracle to happen.

The all-pervasive play was soon over, and the old lady continued to stare at the screen.Soon, another good show was staged on the screen.Leng Ye didn't expect that the boy who penetrated every corner would use the gang's public property to do these things. He thought that he would definitely hold a rally for him when he went back.He had nothing to do, so he simply took a look with the old lady.


After a while, one of the women turned out to be a black girl.

Suddenly, Leng Ye heard an angry roar from the old lady.I don't know if the old lady is dissatisfied with the man on the screen or dissatisfied with being bullied by her compatriots. With an angry face, she threw the camera to the ground fiercely.

Although it is pervasive and does not do business properly, Leng Ye didn't want the camera to evaporate from "Ling Yun", so he quickly used the lost track, flew to the ground, and held the camera in his hand before it hit the ground.

The old lady yelled hoarsely again: "This man is too hateful! He dared to break the family rules of our Mamara tribe, and he will die. In our Mamara tribe, women are always the rulers of the world!!!"

Hearing the old woman's yelling, Leng Ye finally understood the reason for her anger, and said with an idea: "My pretty girl, I'll help you kill that nasty man."

What Leng Ye never expected was that the old woman said: "Young Xia Leng, thank you for letting me see this Mamara traitor. I am willing to tell you the whereabouts of Tashisi as my repayment to you. However, you must change me back to my original appearance within three months, even for a day. Also, thank you for your hard work for me these two days."

Leng Ye took over a black old hairpin from the old lady, and after the old lady cast a "soul-separating curse", he realized that he had been tricked by this old woman, and he was very aggrieved.However, he also realized that the old lady's task of "rejuvenating old age" was definitely not easy. No matter what, she finally got through this difficulty temporarily, and he was very relieved. He took a few girls and set off to the eighth floor of the ship block together.

The NPC on the eighth floor of the ship block is Ruska's mother and the old woman's daughter Molina.When Molina saw the old lady's hairpin, she directly told Leng Ye the whereabouts of Tashisi.This is also the only NPC among the eight people that Leng Ye has met so far that does not give Leng Ye a task. Of course, Leng Ye is also very grateful to this plump black woman.

According to Molina, Tashisi was sold to Donghai Shipyard as a female worker.Her arrival quickly attracted the attention of almost all male workers in Donghai Shipyard, and she became a well-deserved factory flower.The owner of the Donghai shipyard is the patriarch of the Mamara tribe, that is, Molina's mother Roimova.Seeing that the shipyard was declining day by day, Roimova soon discovered that Zhaxisi was the culprit, so she sent Molina to secretly take Zhaxisi out of the Donghai Shipyard.Molina originally wanted to send Zhaxisi back to her hometown, but after several inquiries, she found that Zhaxisi had lost her memory.The kind-hearted Molina couldn't bear to see Tashisi gossip, so she hid her in the cellar of her home and sent her food every day.Later, this kind of thing was discovered by Molina's husband Dex.Dex is the captain of the Donghai shipyard's security. He has a bad temper. He beat Tashisi violently at first, and then took her away. I don't know where he took her.

After learning the whole story, Leng Ye rushed to the top of the ship tower with anger, and found the fierce Dex. To Leng Ye's surprise, Dex actually had two heads.As soon as a few people approached, thick black smoke spewed out from the mouth of the head on the left.

Then, Leng Ye's eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

(End of this chapter)

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