Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 483 The Mysterious Lazy Sword

Chapter 483 The Mysterious Lazy Sword (1) ([-])
After Leng Ye opened "Ou Yezi's Collection", he saw that it was densely packed, a bit like garbled characters, and he didn't know what was written, so he said to Zhu Longquan: "Brother, I am illiterate!"

Zhu Longquan slowly regained his senses from the excitement, and said with a smile: "Brother, don't say you are illiterate, even a doctor and his wife can't understand it. This is the text of 'Zhu's'. In the entire "Ling Yun", only I I can understand."

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Then tell your elder brother quickly, is this broken sword good or bad?"

Zhu Longquan coughed twice and said, "Brother, listen to me slowly. According to the "Ou Yezi Collection", there are two types of swords: one with sword spirit and one without sword spirit. Generally speaking , both artifacts and super artifacts have sword spirits, and a very small part of immortal weapons may also have sword spirits. Sword spirits are generally dormant, and only when they are activated can the power of the sword be brought into full play and achieve the true combination of human and sword. One, otherwise it is the same as nothing. Not everyone can activate the sword spirit, only the blood of Yuanren..."

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Brother, I have heard of these things before, you should tell me about the benefits of not having a sword spirit!"

Zhu Longquan said: "Then I will focus on the key points. According to the "Ou Yezi Collection", all weapons below the level of immortal weapons and most of the immortal weapons do not have sword spirits. Weapons without sword spirits cannot exert the power of health care Incisively and vividly. For example: a celestial weapon with an attack of [-], with a [-] (percentage) chance of double attack skills attached to it, if this celestial weapon has a sword spirit, and the sword spirit is activated by a predestined person, this is predestined A person can use this fairy weapon to hit [-] attacks each time (assuming that the opponent has no defense, and if there is defense, the defense must be subtracted), and his attack does have a [-] (percent) chance of hitting double attack; if this If the sword does not have the sword spirit or the sword spirit is not activated, then the user can only exert the power of the weapon [-] (percent sign), so this fairy weapon actually becomes an attack of [-] (percent sign). ) chance to hit double attack. Of course, the sword spirit not only affects the attributes of the sword itself, but also affects the relationship between the sword and people. When using a weapon with a sword spirit, both the shooting speed and the accuracy will increase a lot, even It can achieve the realm of the unity of human and sword, and a very small number of swords will also have the function of automatic savior, which is something that can be encountered but not sought after."

Leng Ye said: "Brother, aren't you greedy for me? Let's talk about Lazy Sword!"

Zhu Longquan said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, I'm going to talk about the lazy sword! A sword that can truly achieve the functions of human-sword integration and automatic savior is actually a magic weapon, a magic weapon without a sword spirit."

Leng Ye smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, you have confused the elder brother. With the sword spirit, it is possible to achieve the realm of the unity of human and sword, and then it is possible to automatically save the savior. How can it become a magic weapon without the sword spirit again?" Woolen cloth!"

Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, don't worry about me. I am used to talking and doing things in a step-by-step manner. Continue to listen to me! Hey! As for the sword spirit, even if a predestined person can activate this sword spirit, he cannot achieve the true unity of human and sword, and it is even more impossible for the sword to automatically save the savior. However, artificial artifacts and super artifacts do not have sword spirits. However, It is impossible for a man-made artifact to evolve into a magic weapon. Only a man-made super artifact can evolve into a magic weapon. In this world, there are only seven dwarves who can create a magic weapon. So, no surprise, this big brother The lazy sword will become the only super artifact that has the chance to evolve into a swordless magic weapon. Then inject your own spirit into the lazy sword. At that time, the magic weapon lazy sword can reach true harmony with you The world is one, and the lazy sword will also have the function of a savior at a critical moment."

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Brother's explanation is really detailed, and the eldest brother basically understands. It's just that what does brother mean when he said that he has the opportunity to evolve into a magic weapon without a sword? What do we need to do?"

Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, this is very difficult. According to the "Ou Yezi Treasure Book", the divine weapon and the super divine weapon can only evolve into magical weapons after absorbing enough spirits of heaven and earth, the spirit of the sun and the moon, and the spirit of all things. So, little brother He believes that as long as the eldest brother collects enough spirits of heaven and earth, the spirit of the sun and the moon, and the spirit of all things, and then injects them into the lazy sword himself, the younger brother can turn the super artifact lazy sword into a lazy sword. In the end, it was up to The younger brother personally injects your elder brother's spirit into the lazy sword, and then this lazy sword will become a peerless sword produced by the Zhu family. Not only can you become famous big brother, but I can also get a lot of fame as little brother."

After hearing Zhu Longquan's words, Leng Ye's heart was really moved, and he had already started to fantasize about his beautiful wife and concubine, Sangong Sixth Court...

"Hey! Brother, what are you thinking?" Zhu Longquan asked.

Leng Ye smiled, and hurriedly asked: "Brother, your chance to become famous has come. Tell the eldest brother how to get those spirits!"

Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, I haven't been able to get the spirit of heaven and earth, the spirit of the sun and the moon, and the spirit of all things yet, but I can get your spirit, brother."

Leng Ye was obviously disappointed when he heard this, but considering that everything should be done slowly, he asked, "How did I get my spirit?"

Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, you only need to die nine times!"

Leng Ye was completely depressed after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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