Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 486 The Dream of the Cold Night

Chapter 486 The Dream of the Cold Night (1)
Leng Ye slowly opened his eyes, yawned, looked at a few people, and asked, "Have you guys finished? If I finish, I want to say a few words. I don't know if I can?"

Shuang'er hurriedly said: "Honey, did you not wake up, what nonsense are you talking about?"

But Jin Dao said: "Sister Shuang'er, let Xiao Ye talk about it and see what he has to say."

Leng Ye rubbed his eyes and said: "Just now I had a dream, dreaming that the broom star in the sky came down to earth and possessed a smart and beautiful girl. After this girl is possessed by the broom star, no matter where she goes It will bring a disaster. So, gradually, this innocent, lovely, lively and cheerful girl gradually became unlikable, and became a devil in the hearts of people who knew her well. No matter where she went, people were frightened.

Country Z has a general who has been on the battlefield for many years and has never been defeated.However, this general did not rely on his bravery or resourcefulness to win the battle, but completely relied on his luck, just like Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and Ding Tale".Therefore, this general became a well-deserved blessing.

One day, the girl met the general. She also knew the general's deeds very well, and admired the general from the bottom of her heart.The general offered to shake her hand, but she refused.So she told the general what happened to her, and said that it would kill the general.

Of course the general didn't believe the girl's words. He repeatedly emphasized to the girl that he was a lucky general and a lucky star, and later he took the girl back home.

Three days later, the general rode his horse again, and took [-] elites to the border of the Northern Kingdom thousands of miles away to encircle and suppress an invading enemy army with only [-] people.It was summer, and the [-] troops went into battle lightly, but unexpectedly, on the day of the battle, heavy snow fell in the sky, and it lasted for three days, and the weather suddenly turned cold.

Most of the people who followed the general were from the south. They were used to the hot and dry weather. When they encountered heavy snow, they would have no ability to attack, and many of them froze to death.The invading enemies were accustomed to the harsh weather in the north, and they also brought thick clothes to prevent the temperature difference between day and night, so there were no casualties in this heavy snow.

It was this heavy snow that caused the general to suffer the first defeat in his life. The 10 people he brought with him were almost wiped out, and because of this, he lost control of a large piece of territory in the Northern Kingdom.

The general returned by luck, but he didn't attribute the responsibility to the girl. He thought it was God's will, and it was a trial for him from God.However, after this battle, he was not so confident in his luck.

Since then, the general led the team to two more expeditions, both of which failed.

For some reason, ever since this girl arrived, wars in this country have been so frequent, and the number of generals going out to battle has increased.However, this victorious general did not win a single victory.

Word quickly spread that the general was harboring the girl.Knowing this, the king ordered the girl to be driven away, but was stopped by the general.

The general said: 'Your Majesty, whether this girl comes to our country or not, and whether she comes to my house or not, these wars will inevitably happen.Not only should we not blame this girl, but we should also thank this girl. It was his arrival who reminded us and reminded us not to blindly fight wars.War brings nothing but disaster to people.

(End of this chapter)

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