Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 488 Class A Pass

Chapter 488 Class A Pass (1)
Diplomacy is not Leng Ye's strong point, but he still insisted on listening to the meeting and didn't sleep in the middle.At the meeting, apart from deciding which gangs to ally with, the gang leader Leng Ye was also assigned tasks-continue to maintain the superiority of the ranks, and Shulin has a good image among the public, etc.Of course, Leng Ye would also be obliged to help the Lord in some matters.

As soon as the meeting was over, Leng Ye got up and was about to leave. He turned around and was shocked. He didn't know when Jin Nanyan, a little girl, had already run behind her.

"Yan'er, why did you come in?" Leng Ye asked in surprise.

"I have this." Yan'er smiled and took out a token, and Leng Ye recognized that it was the A-level passport of Sword Demon Palace.

In the Sword Demon Shrine, in order to facilitate and restrict everyone's walking, each door has a magic circle.To pass through these magic circles, one must have the A-level pass of the Sword Demon Shrine.Pass is divided into: A, B, C, D, E, F five levels.

A level pass can enter and leave any place in Sword Demon City at will, and all consumption in Sword Demon City is free.Currently, Leng Ye, Jin Dao, Lost Young Master, Xuemei, and Shuang'er have five people with A-level passes.To issue an A-level pass, the consent of Jindao, Luobazi, Xuemei and Shuang'er is required.Leng Ye was lazy on the one hand, and erratic on the other, so he voluntarily gave up this right.People with A-level passports also enjoy all the privileges. For example, when Sword Demon Shrine holds a first-level meeting, you can set whether people with B-level or lower ID cards are required to enter at the door, and you can even set whether you want an ordinary gang member. Or a friend or guest enters the gang meeting hall.

The B-level pass can freely enter and exit any place in Sword Demon City except the meeting hall, and the consumption in Sword Demon City is [-]% off.At present, the six elders of the Sword Demon Shrine, Leng Ye's other wives, and those who have made great contributions to the Sword Demon Shrine currently have B-level passes.To find a way, the B-level passport must also be unanimously approved by Jindao, Luobazi, Xuemei and Shuang'er. The privileges of the B-level pass are similar to those of the A-level, but if the A-level has been set, the B-level will be invalid.

The C-level pass can freely enter and exit any place in Sword Demon City except the office location, and the consumption in Sword Demon City is [-]% off.At present, there are eight hall masters of the Sword Demon Shrine and members who have made outstanding contributions to the Sword Demon Shrine who have a C-level pass. The issuance of the C-level pass only needs to be approved by any one of the four people, Jindao, Luobagongzi, Xuemei and Shuang'er.

The D-level passport can freely enter and exit any place in Sword Demon City except the office location, and the consumption in Sword Demon City will be [-]% off.At present, there are sixteen incense masters of the Sword Demon Shrine and members who have made great contributions to the Sword Demon Shrine who have a D-level pass. The issuance of the C-level pass only needs to be approved by any one of the four people, Jindao, Luobagongzi, Xuemei and Shuang'er.

The E-level pass can freely enter and exit any place in Sword Demon City except the office location, and the consumption in Sword Demon City will be discounted by [-]%.All gang members of the Sword Demon Shrine will automatically obtain an E-level pass as soon as they join the gang.Members who have committed major negligence but have not reached the level of being expelled from the gang do not want to have this preferential policy during the punishment period.In addition, friends and guests of Sword Demon Shrine will also issue this certificate when they come to Sword Demon City, but the certificate will be automatically invalidated once the validity period expires.

(End of this chapter)

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