Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 490 The Magical Use of the Broom Star

Chapter 490 The Magical Use of the Broom Star (1)
Jin Dao said: "Xiao Ye, to tell you the truth, my sister is similar to the girl possessed by the broom star in your dream. No matter where she goes, she will bring bad luck to people. This is the case in reality, in the game The same is true in China. I didn’t believe in this evil at first, but after more than 17 years, she is still like this, and no one can do anything about it. I also took her to many hospitals, but the doctor who saw her the next day I went crazy; I also took her to the temple on the mountain to burn incense and pray to Buddha, but the mountain erupted the next day. Some people said that they needed to find a lucky star to suppress her anger. I also took her to visit some "lucky stars", but those "lucky stars" either had a car accident or jumped off the building the next day. Later, my sister was admitted to university, but her classmates followed suit without exception and dropped out of school Later, she was ordered to suspend school. I saw that she was getting more and more lonely at home alone, so I thought of bringing her to the game, thinking that this might change her luck. The first thing she came into contact with was Shuang'er I spent a few days with the two younger sisters, Xueer, without any accidents, and I thought everything had changed. Unexpectedly, within a few days, the business of Sword Demon Restaurant turned from profit to loss... Although in The game is much better than reality, but the bad luck is still going on...

So I guessed that the luck of the two younger sisters, Shuang'er and Xue'er, suppressed Yan'er's hostility, but the two younger sisters said that they hadn't even picked up five cents since they were young, so I thought of you, brother.I just want you to do me a favor, brother. As for what will happen between you and Yan'er, I won't say anything, big brother... My parents passed away early, and I brought up my younger sister by myself. The only family member in this world, I will not hesitate to cure my sister's 'disease'.For the past half month, Yan'er has caused a lot of trouble for the Sword Demon God Palace, please forgive my elder brother for his selfishness!Now big brother is requesting to dismiss me from my position in Sword Demon God Palace. "

When Leng Ye heard that Jin Dao was about to resign, he said urgently: "Brother, what's wrong with you! If you can cure sister Yan'er's 'disease', let alone a mere Sword Demon Restaurant, the entire Sword Demon City will be destroyed. Brother, I won't frown. Besides, Big Brother also created Sword Demon City by yourself. Without you, Sword Demon City would not be where it is today. If you want to leave, don't say I don't agree, it's me I agreed, and the more than [-] brothers in Sword Demon City will never agree. Brother, don't worry, sister Yan'er's affairs are all on my shoulders. I'm here, Sister Yan'er will be fine, and Sword Demon God Palace will be fine too. Brother, you can work with peace of mind from now on!"

Jin Dao said: "My good brother, thank you! Yan'er will be handed over to you, so I won't say anything more. Big brother assures you that the city is alive and the people are alive, and the city is dead!"

Leng Ye heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Brother, why should you be so pessimistic! Our brothers will work together to develop Sword Demon City into the first empire of "Lingyun". When the time comes, we will take turns to be the emperor of the empire..."

(End of this chapter)

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